First shelter - The centre

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Hi. My name is Nate. I'm 23 years old. I like camping in the wilderness.
I was the only one in my area who got notified of the failure. I didn't have a lot of time. 7 minutes to be precise.
The clock is ticking.

I live in Komín, a small part of Brno. It's an urban area, but there's an archeology centre in Pisárky, another small part of Brno. There's a forest surrounding the center, so I have a chance to hide and build a shelter.

I grab my survival-ready bug-out bag and head out to my first shelter - The centre.

The missile impacted just when I entered the building. Everybody ran out. Pure chaos and madness. I stayed hidden behind a corner. Some of the security started leaving. 3 guys went out the front door and started organizing the visitors. They locked the rest of the group so they could check the place one more time without visitors. It was me against 5 other guys. They all had custom M4 rifles. Extended 40 round magazines, Tri-dot laser sights, EOTech holo sights on top. A very nice package.
I had a silenced Glock 17 and a survival axe. Nothing else that could be used as a lethal weapon.

They started clearing the building. They weren't organized, which made picking my first target easy.
1 guy went ahead and started checking the restaurant. He was probably hungry, because the first place he visited was the kitchen. I snuck up behind him and penetrated his skull with my axe. Blood was slowly dripping onto the floor. Then I caught him, because his body would make a lot of noise if it just dropped (fuck you, Newton). It was time to start looting the body.

I found his wallet. Cash won't be that useful when everything went to shit. Not like the economy was in deep shit anyway. This bloody country was about 3 billion Czech crowns in debt. Who knows what that's in US money, whatever. Doesn't matter now.

He had some spare magazines in his jacket. A couple for his pistol and 3 for his M4.
I took his keycard, rifle, magazines and his CZ-75 with a left-handed holster. Even though I'm right-handed, having a second holster, especially a left-handed one, meant, that I could carry around two pistols without being too janky about it.

4 guys left.
I head up to the second floor.
I see those 4 guys lying on the ground. Under a stack of fake Mammoth bones. Who knows how they got there, but I couldn't care less. Only their legs were sticking out. I couldn't help them. They were all dead. Even if I could, I'd probably just end their misery.
I took their ammo and keycards. One never has too many keycards.

The building was clear now. I've spent a fair amount of time looking around for a security room. Not only because the CCTV is most likely brought back there, but they probably have some ammo as well. Who knows what situations I'll be getting into, but there's never enough ammunition.

I found the door. The keycard worked.
This room has just become my first shelter. I don't need to move out of here for 20 days. There is a lot of supplies in here. Combined with those that I have in my bag, I feel pretty ready to survive. No idea how long all this will take, still have a lot of questions. How the hell does something like that happen? This ain't WW2 where this stuff happened due to malfunctions. Or I guess it technically could be a malfunction.
Whatever, gotta look up and try my best to hold out for as long as possible.

I decided to catch some sleep. After rigging up the alarm, I fell asleep like a bear.

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