Combating Commoditization

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wait, did i stumble upon the economic times ??

no of course not. I bet the only reason you're still reading this is the catchy alliteration. right?
until yesterday i thought this topic was supposed to be how to fight with commodo dragons, the largest lizards alive. i saw few videos too. gross okay.

when in school how many times we've asked ourselves -

"how the fuck is this going to help me in future? i'm sure i'll never use trigonometry in real life."

Not only trigonometry but also relative velocities, algebra or the tongue taste map or 'i' before 'e' except 'c' spelling rule (it turned out to be so incorrect, because words like foreign , weird,etc)

Same with commoditization i bet. (Economics was my least favorite subject after math. and physics, and chemistry. )
turns out i wasn't very fond of studies i guess.

*Adjusting my wayfarers*,
So Commoditization is almost total lack of meaningful  in the manufactured . Commoditized products have thin margins and are sold on the basis of price and not brand . This situation is characterized by standardized, ever cheaper, and common technology that invites more suppliers who lower the prices even further.

Phew Thats a lot of business terminologies someone used here. i'm not writing for economic times i'm pretty sure because if it was for a business paper, they wouldn't have asked me to do it.
viz. suppose i created a masterpiece and i decided to sell it off at an elected amount. But instead someone came up with a cheaper replica and as a result i had to downgrade the price to a flaky level which lead people to underestimate the beauty of my product but they're buying it because of the cheap price. such a sad thing tho. No matter what your sales might be, you're at a loss my friend.

wait I swear this is not a business enhancement article. (fyi Nasdaq is up by 0.19% and Nifty by 1.05%)

But I might want to tell you about The Net Worth of Human Life and the Value We Place On It.

Nor this is that buzzfeed article where i tell you how much do our celebrities worth if bracketed in cash.
(but if you're into that, i wont let you go offhandedly , so Kim Kardashian is $65 million, Leonardo De Caprio is $220 million, Oprah Winfey is like $2.9 billion !! )

So One day i complimented a friend and she said she's not worth all that, in addition to a very cliche quote from 'perks of being a wallflower "we accept the love we deserve" and told me it works on almost everything.

It got me thinking, How do we allow ourselves to place value on human lives? How do we determine what we consider to be equal pay for rebuilding, restructuring, loving someone, caring for someone and giving our hearts and presence to others so they may live fulfilling lives?
Or more comprehensively speaking, aren't we all a quarry of commoditization ourselves?

I asked a lady, hey whats your net worth ?

she answered "My net worth emotionally is beyond the last zero numerically known to man and has not yet been invented." 

What a confianza !!

Are we selling ourselves short or are we buying long? less than what our merits are ? ask yourself something before settling for anything slash anyone-

A) when to sell
B) whom to sell
C) and in how much

Honestly speaking, you wont find any algorithm to find the answers to all these. But you know what helps?

knowing what you might be doing wrong.

Lets do what we're great at, overthinking and analyzing.

In the field where we work, we are never going to be rewarded with dollars and cents because, in this world where we work, dollars and cents are only a means to get a check. The real reward that we receive is the sensation of knowing each night when we exit the home that we have done something wonderful. We have worked miracles and have opened doors that others have deemed closed. We give things to the people we care for that cannot be purchased or given numeric value by anyone. We leave with a heart overflowing with love and we place that in our savings account and continue to make deposits daily.

And yet we underestimate our worth ?? you're worth a billion Sir ! And Nobody can snatch that away from you, Human life should never be measured by financial gain nor should it be placed on someone's agenda as if we are judged by what society has formed as social stratification. Human life that we are by nature taught to appreciate and hold high above all else cannot be bought off store shelves or brought back once it is gone.
Those sires in the self help books aren't lying. they do spawn things up for their benefit but then thats a great retirement plan tbh.

I met a person on Tumblr who once told me "I hope you don't accept anything less than what you deserve. Run away from average love. Run like all hell. You deserve someone who will make your blood stir and cause your heart dance. You deserve to be deliriously happy. It's ok to be patient. It's ok to wait for that. You're waiting for the best, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."

And if thats not the truest thing you've read today then idk what is.

Our net worth, internally and morally, will be determined by what we do each day, not the checks we cash or the grades we get or the number of dates we had.
My net worth is valued by me as how I helped someone today.
Did I do my best to help someone have a fulfilled day?
Did I stretch myself above and beyond to supply someone with enough love?
Did I hug someone today who needed one and help them feel safe?
Did I take the time to sit and hold a conversation with someone who was lonely and needed to talk or just for someone to listen?
Did I make myself available for someone who needed my presence today?
Human life is the one thing we cannot place a value on. We do not do this work for gain; we do this work to give back to others. We commit ourselves to this field of work because we want to help others have a remarkable journey through life, despite those who have placed barriers in front of them to prevent their progress. Our net worth cannot be defined by dollars and cents but can be measured by how we treat others. Don't allow yourself to be a "convenience" to anyone. Let go of anyone who only comes to you, needs you or wants you, on their own time.

At some point you have to sit with yourself and learn who you are. you have to take responsibility for the way you've been treating yourself and the way you've allowed others to break you down. i agree you're not a commodity but believe me if this economic dissimulated article can help you realize you're significance then be it.
All i want to say is Don't chase. Know your worth and know that you deserve to at least be met half way. If they won't match your effort, they don't want to be in your life.

You have to go back to wherever you abandoned your love for self - thinking that someone's love for you is more important than your own - and pick you back up! you have to ask yourself, "why do I treat others better than I treat my own self?" then you have to accept yourself.. because at the end of the day, the only person who's forced to deal with the broken pieces of you, is you. don't fault yourself for any of the past - just accept who you are today. accept your truths, your hurt, and your heart. and finally, you have to love YOU. love every piece of you - and never ever let anyone come in and damage you again. Heal your heart and Protect yourself better.

Re engineering your thoughts for positivity is hard – believe me, I know. Start small- for starters, remember these words-

You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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