The adventure of the 10 monkeys

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Once upon a time, there lived 10 monkeys in a zoo, altogether in a cage. One day they decided to escape from the zoo and go to a forest. That day, when the zookeeper came inside the cage to give them food and water, they got a chance to escape from the zoo. They sprang up and ran as fast as they could to get out of the zoo. All the people ran away looking at those 10 monkeys running around. There was total chaos in the zoo. The monkeys huddled. The leader of the monkeys said, there are 10 ways to get out of the zoo but there is only one way that leads to a forest, and we are a group of 10. We have to split up and each one of us will go to an exit. So, whoever finds the exit to the forest will have to clap their hands, make noise so that the rest of the monkeys could follow the direction. So, lets begin the adventure said the leader. 

 Monkey #1: Goes to the first exit, likewise the rest of the monkeys go to the other exits respectively. 

Monkey #5 claps its hands, sings and screams. The others hear him, so they follow the direction that the noise was coming from. Finally, they all escape from the zoo and go to the forest. Monkey #5 warned the other monkeys along with the leader that there are dangerous species that may eat them. The leader saw the board which said so. He said, lets make this our home. I'll give you the jobs. 

Monkey #1- you will be the doctor.

Monkey #2 - you will be the nurse

 Monkey #3 - you will bring us food

Monkey #4 - you will bring us water

Monkey # 5 - you will be the cook

Monkey #6 - you will make tools

Monkey #7 - you will build our homes

Monkey #8 and 9 - you are going to guard us  

And i will help you guys too.

The monkeys started to focus on the tasks they were given. They had a wonderful life until a fearsome tiger entered their village. He growled and said "Oh! so monkeys have entered my habitat".

Back away from our village said monkey #8 and 9.

The tiger harshly roared and said "OK! so do you want me to finish you and your village?"

"NO", shouted monkey #8 and 9. 

The monkey leader in the village heard their screams and asked monkey #6 to get all the tools that he made and asked all the monkeys to follow him to the place from where the screams were coming. 

They saw the 2 monkeys fighting the tiger and they joined the fight too. The tiger said "you all are too little for me and I could finish you all in no time". The monkeys did not give up and fought with all their might and defeated the tiger. Then the tiger apologized to the monkeys and said that he wont disturb them in the future.

The monkeys celebrated their victory by dancing. They asked the tiger to join them in the celebration. Later on they became good friends and they promised they will take care of each other. 

Moral: Never be greedy

*****************************************THE END*********************************************

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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