Chapter 1

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Charolette Darli Antony lived the life a girl, a fairly normal, fairly joyful girl. She learned pain, love, fear, happiness, disappointment, but never exactly got around to calculus. Charolette never had the chance to do a lot of things, but the young girl did form many opinions. At this moment in time, her opinion of death coated the air she breathed.

She wasn't scared of death, or cared much for it. She's known some who've decided their own death because of sadness and life's burdens, though in a pain a decent amount, she's never been an extremist of things. This was how she would die, the girl assumed; a loud death in the middle of city, her blood exposed, her soul less so. Through the screams of children, the sounds of dialing buttons, and the adults standing above her body. Charolette saw a boy with light hair, and lighter eyes. His presence was as soft as snow, but just as cold. In her hazed position she wasn't sure he was real, just a boy she wished was there. Then he spoke. The words were clear as icy crystals.

"Hi Charolette, I'm Emmett"

"Who are you?" The sensation of not being able to speak, but speaking anyway was unimaginable. It was like speaking with your mind and you mouth following, only for the idea of comfort.

"Just call me your guardian angel, Not meaning to be insensitive, but I'm actually happy you died." He gave a dramatic sigh and fell back, only to go straight through the pedestrian behind him. The man shivered and looked down, not seeming to notice anything unusually.  "Oh, oops" Emmett snapped his fingers and we were suddenly in a roomed filled with white clouds. They were soft, not like cotton candy though, more like cold humidity. "As I was saying... what was I saying?"

"You're glad I'm dead"

"Oh! Yeah, as I was saying, The after life is so boring" he gave an identical sigh and fell back through the clouds, popping up not a second later. Like a backwards summersault. "So here's the gist, I like you kid-"

"Were the same age"

"No were not"

"Yes we are, your just a teenage boy, probably not even a year older"

"Okay kid, the point is your dead-"

"I know"

"Sheesh let me talk. Your dead, I get to decide what you get to do in the after life."

"Wait, you? And what kind of after life? Is there a god? What about Satan? Is he hot? Is he gay-"

"Will you shut up" he snapped his fingers again and her lips would not open. But her eyes showed a very anger expression. "There's a god, actually a lot of them, it's kinda cool, the Egyptians and Greeks had it down. Anyway, we gotta go to Manasseh, get me and you a job. Mostly me, and I just want a new one, okay kid, can you back me up?" He snapped his fingers and she suddenly could speak again.

"Why do you want a new job? And why you I go anywhere with you, you're a nutcase!"

"Have you ever spent 16 years of your life watching an oh so average girl grow up. It's boring. Made me humble though. Why should you go with me? Look at me! I have a great hair."

"I have a family" he walked over to Charolette and patted her shoulder.

"Sorry kid, right now you have nothing, except me, and a... job? Expedition? Quest. Except me and a quest"

"You mean I can never speak to my family? But I'm alive, I can talk."

"You're dead, your soul is alive. And you can't talk... it's like this telepathic shit."

"I'm not going with you till I see my family"

"Look, there is a way, but It's a certain job, the watch if someone'll die. I'll give it to you if you come with me."

"Just give it to me first"

"Sorry kid, can't do that. Need a fledging to go places."

"Fuck you"

"Oh honey, I'm not that desperate."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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