In an Insta moment

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A/N: OKAY YES THIS IS HAPPENING NO I am not going to use his Insta name I would like to keep some secrets to my self! If you don't like it OH!-well deal with it!

This story is the Chronicles of one man and one women into being best friends. This is my story. It might seem strange but its truly happening right now. Hi there I'm Jess. I normally wouldn't do this but I wanted to tell you my story. The story of me and my best friend. I'm just your average girl who listens to a lot of rock and metal music. I'm a giant fan of Avenged Sevenfold and since you are reading this then you know about them if not well go look them up they are AMAZING! Before we get started I want to let you know that this is a one in a million. In the mist of all of this His Instagram page is where I first started to connect with him. Sometimes things happen!

It started off as just a normal day. When I found Zachary James Baker online and I know you know who he is but if you don't he's the rythmist for Avenged Sevenfold. At first I didn't believe it but long and behold its true there he was chatting with me. 

The first day I just said thank you for the add because he has a private account and how I loved their music from starting in 03-04. He didn't answer but then the following day I sent him a pic of my dog Jack Daniels who is a Jack Russel Terrier. He commented cute dog eight days later. I knew it would take him a long time to answer because if it was him they were in the middle of a tour with Metallica so I didn't mind I just wanted someone to talk to. I knew if I kept sending him pics of my dogs he would start to talk due to the fact that dogs were a common factor for both of us. 

Then it hit me on August 9th that I was really chatting with him. 

Me: Hows my favourite Guitarist. Don't tell Gates!

Him: Haha I'm doing great!

Me: Go play Mr. rockstar! I'll be here when you get done :)

Me: Hope the show was good. Wish I could have been there

Him: Thanks!


Me: I'm the worst picture taker


Him: Cute dog

Me: Shouldn't you be asleep right now

Him: Eh I'm good

Me: I'm wide awake for at least 3 more hours

Me:I'm officially bored

Me: Any cute for boredness? 20 question

At this point my brain was going a million miles a minute and I didn't re-read that last message the cute was suppose to say cure. 

Him: Sure!

Me: Okay code word for if I go to far. Because I am like cards against humanity I start out normal then go to the wrong side of the dark side

Me: joy is the word!

Me: You start...

Him: hahaha

Me: I think we are becoming besties!

Him: Totally

Me: I hate Florida weather

Me: Your turn

Him: What do you mean?

Me: I asked a question. Your turn to ask me anythijnf

Me: Anything

Him: Hmm why do you hate Florida weather*

Him: ?

By this point August 10th at 12:03 am had show up and we were still up chatting.

Me: It's summer and during the summer months it's like 100+ degrees plus rain in the afternoon. Think about being in the van when you first started touring and the van had no A/C it's like that only worse

Him: Ohh

Me: Yeah. Summer exists year round in Florida. Okay question #2.....

Me: Do you like roller coasters?

At this point I'm talking to my friend Jenn and everything we are saying i'm like giving her play-by-play.

Him: Yes!


Me: Would you do this coaster?

Me: My bestie Jenn says hi.Him:

Him: I would do that yes 

Him: Hello joe!

Him: Jenn

Me: Fishing?

Me: Wait it's your turn....

Him: Hmmmm

Me: Take your time we have forever

Him: What's your favorite song?

Me: Okay I have up until nightmare so...

Me: I'm going to go with the beast and the harlot but #2 is A little Piece of Heaven only because in the car I can do that whole song without messing up to bad

Me: If you could go fishing would you go shark fishing or just regular fishing the difference is shark fishing is more fun ;)

Me: My hamster is off its wheel and I'm starting to go down for the count. So if I don't answer I fell asleep and not ignoring you!

Him: Definitely shark fishing

Him: Its all good

Me: Okay where have you been my whole life?

Him: Hahahaha being a rockstar

Me: O.O

Me: I'm doing good my brain isn't heading towards the dark side yet

Me: I'n so hungry right now.  

At this point I was super hungry but it was too late to make anything.

Me: I want chicken parn

Me: Parm

Him: Hagaga

Him: Hahaha*

Me: I'm thinking about Italian food and what I should make for dinner tonight

Him: Isn't it like midnight in florida? Haha

Me: Almost 1 am

Me: But I eat dinner around 6 pm so...I think chicken parm tonight is a good idea

Me: You do realize when you come back to fl. I'm inviting y'all for Italian style meal and it's going to be so good you'll never want to leave me behind

Me: And now the hamster is officially sleep which means I'm going to bed we can continue this tomorrow OK today I shall see you good night Mr. rockstar

Me: Get some sleep 

Him: Goodnight!

Me: Send questions and I shall answer in the morning

At this point in time it was past 1  am and I really need to get to sleep. 


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