Introductions 👅

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Hello, this first chapter is so you guys can get to know me better !!!💘💘

Name: Nimrah Zaynab Hussain

Age: 15

Birthday: March 2nd '02

Star Sign: Pisces ♓

School Year: Year 11

Ethnicity: Imma give you a history lesson lmao 🔅 So my great grandad fought in world war two before moving to england like 15 years later (so you can see why I get angry, wait nvm I'll save that for a chapter!) and my grandad followed him like 5 years later. So my grandad came to England in the 60s and there he had my dad (and my two aunts)! Now my mums family is originally from Iraq and they migrated to Pakistan a couple generations back and my parents met at a wedding in Pakistan (how cliché lol) when he was living there for a year.

So that summed up, I'm pretty much ur fav Pakistani.

Things I like: Reading, Writing, Instagramming, Binge-watching and makeup.

Things I focus on: Art, Politics, History, Marvel, literally the most random comedy shows and Lana Del Rey.

Things I don't like: Islamaphobia, Transphobia, Homophobia, antisemitism, Donald trump, racism etc...

Artists I like: Jake Paul! 😩👅💦💦 no I'm just kidding, this is too long just hit me up on Spotify: peachynimrah

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