part 1. chance, and choice

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      As he stood there staring at the precipace of his his life, knowing that this exact moment could change his very existence, he couldn't help but wonder. what if? What if things had never been? what if fate had taken even one second to relax? what if this specific second in his life may have never happened? some people say that fate is a myth led on by those who have faith in something as foolish as a god or the like. But, Jack knew better. He knew that fate was a very real thing, that every single moment in a persons life is engineered by the one true creater. the one who created everything, and in turn has made all creation possible. with that energy and confidence he knew that today he was exactly where he was supposed to be and precisely in the perfect moment. Nothing could convince him otherwise.

He slid off the edge of the bed, and slipped into his plush house slippers and slowly raised himself from the edge of the bed. he made his way to the bathroom listening to the coffee pot in the kitchen chiming out its song. He turned away from the commode and reached for the sink just as the bunn finished it's good morning tune letting him know that his dark roast was ready just the way he liked it. he washed his hands and splashed a little water on his face thinking a cup of coffee and a bagel and it would be time to get this day really started. he stepped back into his bedroom fumbling for the lightswitch as he came through the doorway. "I hate getting used to a new place" he mumbled as he found the switch and lit up the closet area. Reaching in he found a pair of no show socks, some ball shorts and his favorite pair of and1 shoes( fleeting thought crossing his mind that he would need a new pair of shoes soon). Speaking aloud to himself Jack settled onto the end of the bed and changed into the ball shorts and shoes placing his slippers under the edge of the bed. "I'll need to find a new style of shoe, I can't find anymore of these."

He strode out of the room with his pjs over his left arm and tossed them into the laundry basked as he passed by it in the hallway. stepping into the kitchen he reached for his coffee mug and poured himself a cup of deep arabic coffee and toasted his bagel. standing in his kitchen enjoying his modest breakfast he looked around taking in once more the new house. He was so far from home, and yet it seemed like it was just another day to him. in the past few years jack had moved around a lot, never truly putting down roots anywhere. I guess thats what it takes to run a successful company he told himself constantly. And yet he wished everyday to be home. to feel like he genuinely belonged somewhere.

Several years ago jack and his cousins had taken a crazy idea that jack had come up with and through their own sweat and determination they had turned that idea into the most successful and popular gaming studio currently in america. What started as 3 guys in a basement workshop was now a multibillion dollar company with over 600 employees. jack ran the day to day, handled problems, public relations and most advertising. he was now in lake tahoe setting up a new "campus". even though he missed his family this job had afforded him and them a comfortable lifestyle. for that he was always so thankful, and was always able to find comfort in that in moments like this. he put his cup down and started across the living area to his office/gym area. time to get goin he thought.

Walking across the hardwood, he decided that today was going to be an easy workout, a few miles on the treadmill and a shower then to the new offices to oversee the construction and make sure everything was making progress. he was about a mile into his run as he decided he was going to try and have lunch with his cousins later. A smile crept across his face as he got the image of evan and alex there in a couple hours interviewing new programmers, testers, and support staff. chuckling he said out loud " god help them". You see neither alex or evan were really what you would call people persons. And then you have the complete polar opposition of them. Evans cut and dry no nonsense style. and Alex is an outside the box laid back whatever comes may come type. the arguments between them on days like this are the stuff legends are made of. he was laughing out loud by the time he played it out in his head, remembering what had happened in georgia. all over a tester that alex was convinced that they had to have and evan was positive was a slacker and was going to be trouble. Jack had finally stepped in and settled it by instituting a probation period for all new hires. turns out though that alex was right. the guy had turned out to be one their best. and he took every opportunity to throw it up in evans face.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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untitled (original)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें