Nothing like a book of life.

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Okay so life may not be easy. Well technically life isn't easy.

I happened to learn that the hard way.

I hadn't realized life wasn't easy until all my problems decided to visit me all at once.

Usually everything I need to know comes from a book.

Unfortunately, I hadn't read a book on life. Everyone had different life's. Including me. Also, everyone seem to have a different point of view on life. So obviously there was not a single book out there that could help me.

"Hey! Look where the fuck you're walking! Moron!!" I yell as I steer my car to the left, the opposite side of the person who I could have ran over.

The kid looks like thirteen. And not one bit affected by my words. He has black long hair which sits on top of his head wrapped up in a bun. His white shirt is purposely cut on the sides. And his jeans are a black color mixed with white stains.

He grins as he notices me glaring at him. If looks could kill, he would be dead.

"Maybe you should learn how to drive!" He yells back. And it takes everything in me to not go back and run him over.

I roll my eyes and drive away from this stranger who could have cared less if I ran over him.

I arrive home in less time than I thought.

Maybe I should drive around the block to just waist time?

As soon as I walk in the house I regret not driving around the block.

I find my mom cutting food on the counter.

"Hey honey! how was work?" My irritating mom asks me.

"Fine." I mumble and grab a coke from the fridge.

"So anything new? Anyone new?" She nosily asks.

"Mom!" I groan.

"What? I was just asking.."

"Look what ever happens at work is not my business and neither is yours.. So just mind your own damn business!"

Many may seem surprised at the way I speak to my mom. But once you loose respect for someone you can't go back to respecting them the same way. At least I still call her mom...

"I'm sorry okay? It's just that you don't talk to me anymore.. And I'm worried about you." Worried about me? Is she trying to irritate me?

"Your worried about me?!" I scoff

"Look your lucky I am even talking to you right now! Let alone tell you all of my fucking problems!!" My mom's eyes start to water and the guilt I should be feeling is no where to be found.

"I'm sorry" she whispers and goes back to cooking.

I feel so irritated in this house. She is lucky I even decided to live with her. She thinks just because she has a decent car and because she has her own fucking house that she is perfect. All because of her new husband that decides to spoil her every fucking minute.

Mean while my real dad works his ass off to have what my mom got for free.

I grab my keys again making sure to slam the front door as loud as I can after I leave. I start my car not having the slightest clue to where I'm going.

My phone starts ringing on the console and the name 'asshole' appears. I gladly answer it.

"What's up Jake?" I chirp

"Hey all the gang is meeting up by the river, you in?" His voice sounded grumpy but not towards me.

"Sure man what time?"

"I dunno right now I guess?" He doesn't seem sure about his answer.

"Okay..? I'll be there now." I say and he hangs up.

Jake has been my friend since I was twelve. He was always moody the same way I am. He was the first guy I ever interacted with. After that he introduced me to the rest of his friends. He taught me to smoke my first joint. He was the first to see me drunk. And he was the first asshole that I didn't want to fight at first sight.

I sighed and drove towards the river. The 'gang' was just a group of teenagers 17 & older. Who like me smoked and got drunk to drown out our problems.

I am the only girl the guys don't mess with. They know not to mess with me specially when I am in a bad mood.

One time there was a dude that Jake first introduce him to us. His name was Tyler, he thought he was Mr. tough and know it all. He annoyed the fuck out of me. One day he thought it would be fun to pull a trick on me. He thought spilling vodka on my blanket and lighting it up would be such a great idea. Boy was he wrong...

I had, had a recent argument with my mother. So messing with me wasn't such a great idea, specially not that day. So when I found out I was ready to rip his head off. He obviously had no idea who he had messed with.

That day no one could stop me not even Jake. As I spotted him my vision blurred. My hands found his neck and my grip tightened around him while I kicked him in the groin with my knee. His face was slowly turning into a beautiful shade of purple. His hands tried to fight mine but I wasn't having it. He got lucky his friend and Jake got me off him.

Since that day he has avoided me and if we run into each other he goes the opposite way.
I drive by a very old neighborhood with abandoned buildings and broken windows.

Two homeless men stand on the curb with signs that read, ' I need money for food '. And I make a mental note to stop by McDonald's and buy them a dollar burger, instead of giving them money. I'm not stupid to know that every quarter that people give them they actually use it for food. They're druggies and I prefer buying them food then giving away money for drugs.

As I drive I pass by the corner store where Jake always buys liquor for us. Jake has always been my mentor, not many people like him. But he also doesn't like many people.

I park in my usual spot. Everyone is here today and ironically I feel like this is a family reunion. I walk down the ' secret ' path that is no longer secret from many times that we have walked through here.

"Hey look who made it!" Jake grins.

He looks wasted and it's barely noon. I barely recognized Loni, the blonde angel turned into a rebel, attached to him.

"Didn't know you were coming back so soon, Loni" I say taking the joint from Jake's hand.

"Still smoking?" She asks, I don't answer her question just like she didn't answer mine. Instead I let out a big puff of smoke.

"But to answer your question, yeah I'm back, I'm living with my brother now." She informs me. I asked if she's back, not who fuck she is living with.

"Well I'll leave you two to talk.." I say as I spot Michael.

"Hey Michael!" I call "get your ass over here!"

"Hey nice to see you..." He checks me out not being one bit discreet about it. Pervert.

"Funny.. You know why i called you over."

"Yeah, yeah, how could I forget?" He says taking out his wallet and handing me a hundred and twenty dollars.

"Alright, for a second I thought I would have to cut your balls off." I say

"Nope, but thanks for coming in clutch with some money..." He trails off

He can make 'thank you' so awkward.

"No problem man as long as you pay me back on time." I nudge his shoulder a little to let him know that everything is cool.


Hello! It's my first book in Wattpad and i hope you guys enjoy this (if not, it's cool) please let me know what your opinions are and I don't mind if you guys correct any bad grammar. Thanks cuties ❤️

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