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Camila had been teasing you since the very moment you had woken up. It started with a little extra sway in her hips and the ass grabs when no one was looking. Then there were the seductive moves and looks she gave you during rehearsal. The girl drove you mad on a normal day, so today was just too much! It was approaching show time and you were relaxing backstage in Camila's dressing room, you her and Sofi. Sofi was consumed in her iPad so Camila decided to taunt you even more. She brought her pointer and middle finger up to her face creating a v shape and stuck her tongue out. Then she mouthed the words, "Get ready baby. After party you and me tonight." You responded with a frustrated groan and an "I hate you Camila!" This caused Sofia to look up from her iPad and question your words. You told her sister was being mean to you and Sofia pushed Camila down and demanded she be nice to you. You laugh and give Sofi a high give before noticing a pout on your girlfriends face. Be the whipped girlfriend you are, you go up to her and kiss her pouting lips. Sofi fake gags and leaves the room leaving you a little alone time before the show.

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