How I lived before (a httyd fanfic) chapter 1

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This fanfic is about toothless's life as a young night fury

I hope you enjoy

Chapter 1

"Shadow...shadow!" Yelled sliverstar the words echoing through the cave. Shadow was busy talking to scarface a stubborn monstrous nightmare who also happened to be leader of the clan. "I'll be in in just a minute" called shadow. Sliverstar growled. She was tempted to eat his share of the meal. Finally shadow flew over from the nearby sea stack and joined sliverstar.

"What did that old fish face want this time" grumbled sliverstar. Shadow had a nervous look on his face. "Shadow what is it" sliverstar said suspiciously fearing she already knew the answer. "....a raid...on berk" shadow mumbled. " no shadow not again!" Groaned sliverstar. " but slivey I have to, the queen is hungry and we are running out of food to feed ourselves!".

"shadow you can't go now not when the baby is about to hatch". Sliverstar gestured to a single egg lying on a nest of straw and twigs. Like the dragons themselves the egg was sleek and smooth and was the darkest black in colour. " we may be the last two night furys alive". "I...just don't want to lose you" said sliverstar looking up at shadow with sad azure blue eyes. "Slivey don't worry,I promise I will be safe" shadow said reassuringly.

"When are you leaving?" she asked. " tomorrow" said shadow. Sliverstar looked down at her dinner, a small and rather pathetic looking herring. She hated to admit it but shadow was right, they did need more food especially with the need new baby coming. Sliverstar nuzzled shadow."be safe my brave warrior" she whispered. Shadow purred in the classic night fury way, and they both tucked in to their small 'dinner'

In chapter 2

Will the egg hatch?

How I lived before (a httyd fanfic) chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now