chapter 1 : The Flea is a CAT!!

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It's been a long day the strange part is that I haven't seen the flea he has seamed to have disappeared he hasn't been around for about a month not that I'm complaining it's just a bit strange that he disappeared like this


I pull out my box of cigarettes and pull one out Izaya's sudden disappearance is still a little confusing to me I mean why in the hell would he just disappear its not like him then I hear a knock at the door

"WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE" I shout angrily and walk to the door I open the door and then freeze because Izaya is standing right in front of me

"hi shizu-chan"he says in his annoying voice why in hell is he hear...

"IZAYA WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HEAR" I shout at him and he actualy looks nervous

"I-I sorta got locked out of my house..."he whispers now im confused

"how dont you have a keycard or something?" i ask confused

"i used to... I lost it... i was wondering if I could stay here"he asks quietly

"and why should i let you"i ask getting a bit mad

"because of this" he blushes and pulls off his sweatshirt revealing a pair of black cat ears and a slim furry tail I freeze and finnaly look him in the eye and notice he has one little pointy tooth poking out its sorts cute...

"ok so when did this (i point to the ears) happen"

"about a month ago"so thats why he went missing i sigh

"well then get your ass in here before i change my mind i only have one bed but its a king so you should be able to stay to one side"i say quickly befoe i regret it and izayas face lights up

"T-thank you shizu-ch-kun" he smiles and darts past me

'did he call me shizu-kun?' i think to myself before closing the door.


sorry this chapters so short but what will happen will love sprout between the two enemies?

keep reading to find out

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