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I do not own the PJO and HOO series. We really must thank Rick for introducing us to a world that makes our imagination run so DAM wild.
Please read the authors note at the end.
Annabeth POV:

We returned from Olympus and appeared at Thalia's pine. The camp was beautiful but devastatingly so. The cabins were barely standing but one could hear the laughter of the younger campers, the laughter from the demigods at the infirmary at the Stoll's stupid jokes.

I looked at Percy and smiled. The war was over. And this time the peace would last I would make sure of it.

Time-Break to that night.

I was walking towards my cabin when a hand pulled me back behind a tree. I was almost pulled out my dagger when I realised who it was.
"I swear to gods, Percy, you scared me for a moment there. When did you get so stealthy?"
"Come on Wise Girl, I have always been that way." He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"No, you haven't."
"Now, I'm hurt." He pouted. I only laughed and put my hands around his neck pulling him down.
His face hovered above mine for a moment before my lips met his.
Our lips met in a storm of passion and somehow this kiss was different from all the ones we shared before. It was like the very last time we would kiss and he was trying to memorise each and every part of me, like he couldn't get enough of me. And I responded in kind.
He pulled away and said, "I love you, Wise girl."
"I love you too."
There was something wrong with him. Somehow his aura seemed more powerful and dark. When I looked into his eyes, I saw that they were pitch black, yet I knew, this was my Percy.
I let my hand rest on his cheek, and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He only gave me a sad smile. "Go to sleep, Annabeth."
"Percy-" He cut me off. "Go to sleep. There's nothing wrong with me."
"Fine." I huffed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning Seaweed brain."
He kissed my hair and whispered "I love you, Wise girl."
He gave me that sad smile again. I was confused.
"Wha-" I started.
"It's nothing. Just go." He said.
I threw him a confused look again before continuing towards the cabin.

Time Lapse to next day morning

I woke up with a sinking feeling inside my stomach. I knew something was wrong. That Seaweed brain had to have done something. I immediately got off the bed and ran into Percy's cabin.

When I entered the Poseidon cabin the first thing I noticed was how cold it was and that the bed was made. Percy was nowhere to be around. I moved towards his bed with uncertain steps as I saw a sheet of folded paper lying in his bedside table, hoping that he had just gone to the arena to train. When I took the sheet, I noticed riptide in its pen form lying next to it. The feeling in my gut deepened. I read the contents of the sheet. When I reached the end all I wanted was to die.

Dearest Annabeth ,
By the time you are reading this I would most probably be very far from where you are. I don't want you to waste your time or life searching for me. Because I know you will never find me.
I'm not real, Annabeth. I never was. I'm not going to explain anything. But I want you- no need you to move on. I wish we had more time together but I can't.
Please forgive me, you probably wouldn't have noticed this side of me, but I'm incredibly selfish about you. I love you. The thing is that you are immortal now. And so are a few other campers.
I hope that we meet again. It will not be soon. But we will see each other again. And when you do see me again, I hope you see the real me. Because Percy Jackson is not me. I'm not as good as you think.
I wish happiness for every demigod around and hope to keep a few people in check.
Please tell Chiron and Poseidon that I couldn't have had better fathers than them.
Tell Thalia and Nico that I couldn't have asked for better cousins.
Leo and Calypso will be back soon.
Tell Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, the Stolls, Katie, Will, Chris and hell, even Clarisse, I will miss them.
I hope you find someone worthy of your love Annabeth, because I know I'm not.
I will miss you all. I will miss being at camp. But it is for the best.


Nothing in the letter made sense to me. Chiron and Poseidon? Better fathers? He is not Percy Jackson? We're immortal?
There was only one single line that made sense to me. He left me. He left us all. He was gone.
I broke down crying. I knew something was wrong. He knew he was leaving. I couldn't even blame Hera or any of the other gods for this.
I cried. I cried for what we had. For what I won't have from this moment. All the pain I held flowed through me in gut wrenching sobs.
And that's how that found me. Crying my heart out next to Percy's bed.
"What happened, Annabeth?" Thalia whispered, it was like she was preparing herself for the worst.
"He's gone. Percy's gone and I don't think we'll ever see him again. It's not even the fault of the gods. He's GONE, Thalia. My Seaweed Brain is gone." I whispered the last sentence.

And so my dear folks is the end of this story.
I can't believe that I completed my first ever fanfic. Hurray!!!
I know there are a lot of plot gaps and you probably were not able to understand most of the stuff. But, if you do want me to continue, it's all up to you.
I would continue this story if you want me to, all you have to do is vote or comment or even just read it.
And if this is going where I hope it goes, prepare yourself for a ride. 
Here is a teaser for what will be the next part:

Percy POV:

Who would have thought that staying away would be that hard.
When I went back I did everything to keep my mind off her, her smile, her laugh, her stormy eyes.
I knew it was a mistake when I bought her here.
And now they will all have to pay.
And I am sure they will all fall because they don't even know that they are up against.

And that's all for now,I guess.
Love you all!

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