A Grand Feast in Lord Khrishna's honor

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  • Dedicated to Kalina Angell

Kuthumi had been wandering in the woods for how many days she did not know. She had found some roots and berries to eat, but they had not been sufficient to satiate her hunger. She was cold also. She had been cast out of her village when she refused to marry the groom her parents had picked out for her. She had been poor all her life, and she vowed to remain so rather than marry him, a man with no kindness in his eyes.

Up ahead she came to a high wall, almost like a fortress. Beyond the wall, she could see the branches of fruit trees, with brightly colored birds in them. It had been only woods, and now this; Rising out of the darkness, an oasis of beauty! Who could live here? She wondered.

From the window, Khrishna spotted her. She was beautiful, though there were smudges on her face and clothing. He was delighted she had found her way here. He had been leading her and guiding her, even before she refused her unworthy suitor and began her journey through the forest. He sent one of his friends, and disciples to welcome her at the gate.

Ramu was eager to do as Khrishna asked, and was there to open the gate, even before Kithumi arrived at it. "Welcome to Vrindavan. Lord Khrishna is expecting you," he said. 

Kithumi was shocked. She knew no Lord Khrishna. Had she truly arrived at the palace of a lord? Was she truly so welcome? 

She had not expected to be welcomed anywhere! She was a disgrace to her parents, and indeed her entire village. She was disgraced for her refusal to follow her parents' judgement.

"Lord, Khrishna, did you say? I will be honored to meet him..but I am not presentable, and I simply can't..." She wavered at the gate, wondering if she dared go in and present herself to a Lord, as dirty and bedraggled as she was after her travail in the woods.

"Yes, of course you can. You must. It is Lord Khrishna's wish that you come in..." he said picking some fresh fruit from a nearby tree. "Try this, Kuthumi, it is Lord Khrishna's gift to you, the first of many. You are welcome here! It is Lord Khrishna's wish that you stay here for as long as you like. Do not worry about your village or your parents. Come in, and Lady Radha will take you to your bath, and your bedchamber." He said, indicating an immaculately dressed woman in a sari of gold, flame, and crimson colored silks, with iridescent beading woven throughout her lush black hair, which was pulled back from her face and neck. She smiled at Kuthumi graciously, if a bit warily. Kuthumi could tell Lady Radha meant her no harm and would loyally carry out anything Khrishna asked of her

How could Kuthumi refuse such a kind offer? She was still a bit in shock. She had thought her life would be one of a mendicant or beggar, and here she was, being invited inside this splendid palace with its courtyards full of fruit trees. She could scarcely believe her change of fortune! She was so much in shock, she forgot to eat the fruit, and simply allowed the smooth flesh to roll between her nervous palms.

Ramu led her to Radha, who was waiting in the doorway. Kuthumi could now see the sparkle in Radha's eyes, compassion, wisdom, and also a certain cunning, to be used only as necessary. 

"Welcome, Kuthumi." Radha said with a slight bow, putting her hands together in welcome, as Kuthumi came close to her. "Lord Khrishna, my husband, desires that you should live here as long as you like, and take part in our life of feasts and dancing. Please, Kuthumi, come with me, if you like, and we will get you dressed for tonight's banquet." She smiled kindly then, to dispel Kuthumi's anxiousness. The cunning also seemed to leave her eyes. She could tell already that Kuthumi would be a friend, and an asset, not like some of the flighty girls Khrishna brought in, expecting her to take care of them, as if they were princesses.

"Lord Khrishna and I will see you at Supper, Kuthumi. Radha will attend to you now." Said Ramu as he bowed to her and left ahead of them. His sword hilt caught the sun streaming in through the open door, and his turquoise pants billowed in the slight breeze. His skin was the color of gold, as he strode purposefully down the hall to attend to the next item on his agenda.

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