Let Me Remember

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 If you happened to look inside room 213 of a hospital at midnight, you would've been a witness to the miracle of life. Ms. Elsin was giving birth to her baby girl and even though it was painful, she felt that it was all worth it to see the smiling face of her baby. 

 "Congratulations Ms. Elsin, you have a beautiful baby girl."The doctor said as he cut the umbilical cord, and passed the new born child to one of the nurses so that she could wash her up and weigh her. The doctor then proceeded to make sure that the mother was all right, after all, popping a baby out isn’t something easy. He finished just as the nurse came back with the baby girl in her arms, and gave her to her mother and started cleaning up everything.

"What's her name?" The nurse asked she plumped the pillows and adjusted the bed.

 "She'll be called Callianne." The mother responded with a tired, but proud smile as she gazed upon her daughter.

 "What a beautiful name. Well I'm done, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to press the button." The nursed said smiling as she walked out the door leaving the mother and daughter alone. Not long after, another nurse came in.

"Excuse me miss but there's someone who is here to see you, shall I send him in?" She asked.

 Ms. Elsin stared at the nurse with big green eyes filled with dread as she replied in a small voice "Yes, please do." The nurse walked out and motioned for the visitor to come in.

 "Oh please forgive me Callianne, I'm so sorry." She whispered to her child as the visitor came in. He was a tall man wearing a pair of sunglasses, black dress pants, black shoes, and a dark blue dress shirt that hinted the muscles that was underneath. To any other single woman he would've been a sight to see, but Ms. Elsin knew exactly why he was here,  and in her eyes, no beauty on earth could redeem what he was about to do.

 "Ms. Elsin, we have upheld our side of the deal. Now it is your turn." He said coldly.

 "Please could I not spend at least one day with her?" she pleaded as she felt tears threatening to spill.

 "I'm sorry, but it’s not possible, our jet leaves in an hour and we do not make unnecessary trips." The man sounded anything but sorry.

 As he was coming forward, she begged him one more time. "At least let me have five more minutes with her."

 He hesitated but thought that five more minutes was hardly anything and so he agreed.

 As soon as he left, the unshed tears spilled over her eyes as the mother cradled her daughter; the young baby was looking around her surroundings, unaware of anything. They stayed like that for a few more minutes before setting the baby down on the crib, and reached behind her neck to unclasp her locket.

 It was a small golden locket in the shape of a heart with flower patterns and a smaller heart in the middle. Her grandmother gave her that locket, when she was lying on the hospital bed dying. She knew that it was a family heirloom, and that was why she refused to have it pawned, even when she was desperate for a little cash, for she knew the locket would've gotten her a fortune because it was solid gold. Once the locket was securely on Callianne's neck she gave her child one last kiss and began to sing a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her when she was still alive.

 Just as her song finished, the man walked back in, and without a word took the child away from her mother. Callianne, who has been silent through the whole event, started crying as she was being carried farther and farther away.

The mother too was crying, but her tears were silent, as she watched the man taking her baby she whispered a final goodbye, "I love you Callianne..."

 When the people were out of sight she reached under her pillow to grab a single pill.

She was worried that when the nurse had plumped her pillow she would've found it but fortunately; it stayed hidden. She looked at the pill for a long time before taking a deep breath and swallowing it.

Laying back on her pillow she thought of everything thing that had happened to her in her short life. From the death of her beloved grandmother, to the horrible car crash that took away all of her family members. She thought of when she tried to get pregnant, and thought of the man that made her the deal; how he seemed to nice at first; giving her a home, food, and a job.

She also thought of the day that everything changed.

Let Me RememberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora