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Jack ,Caitlin and Camilla were sat on Caitlins bed whilst Zach,Jonah,Daniel and Corbyn were watching stuff on the tv . Camilla randomly got of the bed and stood in the corner of the room pointing her phone towards Caitlin and jack she took about 1 minute moving around the room to take a picture of Caitlin and Jack because they were in the right position for her to take a perfect picture of them both and put a love heart round it little did Caitlin and jack know she took a pic of them and put love hearts near them and sent it to Zach to show to the others with the caption ( Perfect couple) knowing it would make them laugh. Camilla knew one of Caitlins biggest secrets that was that she fancied jack but accidentally told him when she saw him alone in the pool he said "I don't blame her" and then got out off the pool full of giggles and went inside to join the others before they all went to bed. Camilla and Zach shared a bed as they were already going out, Corbyn and Jonah shared a room and Caitlin,jack and Daniel had their own room. In the morning Camilla and Zach woke everyone up but in a different way than normal Camilla  went in Caitlins room stood on her bed and cannon balled not her waking Caitlin up with a screem waking jack up as he jumped up and ran in Caitlins room to help but Camilla ran out of the room locking them two in alone and shouted that Caitlin fancied Jack and the other way around when Jack turned around an looked at Caitlin her face when red and she berries herself in the cover saying " oh my fucking god I'm gonna kill her " peaking at Jack with face that looked like a straw berry and say to her "   I'm so  embarrassed " lying down on Caitlins bed on his back covering his face with his hands . All they could hear is Zach and Camilla laughing very hard  telling the others what they had done .

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