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Ein leaned against the side of the brick wall, watching nervously while Aaron and Aphmau shouted at eachother from behind the caffe, each with fire in their eyes. It surprised him, the different side of their relationship that they haven't shown since highschool. Insults flied and.... Ein wondered whether he should be happy or not, this is what he wanted, but it felt weird that things were actually going his way. The fight broke appart as Aphmau walked off towards the park in a fit of anger, Aaron stood still.

Ein adjusted his weight onto his other leg, barely making a sound. Though it was enough for Aaron to turn and look at the scarred face of the ex-Warewolf. ".... YOU!!" Aaron pushed Ein against the wall, quicker then Ein even realised he had been noticed, "What are YOU doing here!? Watching us?!"

Ein stuttered and tried to push Aaron away, "I- I uh-"

"-What. Are. You. Doing here!!?" Aaron's eyes gleamed with rage as he pushed Ein further up the wall.

Ein gave Aaron a clueless look, "I- I wasn't going to just.... live in the forest." Aaron dropped Ein to the ground and took a couple steps back, Ein looked.... injured. Not that he cared, but it was hard to look at.

"W- why were you spying on Aph and I?!" It seemed to be more of a defending question then an agressive one, Ein sat up weakly and stared at the ground, his faded bangs dropping infront of his eyes.


"Well!? Aren't you going to say something!?"

"No..." Ein spoke quietly, honestly not wanting to start another fight with the red eyed male. It was something more then petty fear, a sort preservation of any form of himself that went to that old highschool. He felt like shit.

"Pathetic... you don't have anything to say to me...." Arron let out a low growl, not noticing that Ein had started to cry under his bangs. It wasn't a voluntary thing, infact it felt terrible breaking down infront of someone like Aaron.


"S- say something dammit!!" Aaron grabbed Ein and pushed him against the wall again, starring into his tear filled silver eyes. "I... why are you-...." Ein once again tried to pull away or hide his face, the guilt and shame washing over him as Aaron's expression changed from rage to confusion to... even a form of compassion. This didn't make sense to him, this had to be a trick right? "Ein!! Speak to me! What the hell- W- why are you crying!?"

"Please..." Ein spoke up and looked into Aaron's eyes.

"W- wha..?"

"Please... forgive me." Ein was shaking at this point, completely overcome with shame. He hated seeming weak, but what could he do. "I- I want to.... I don't want to be hated anymore..."

Aaron stood speechless with Ein in his grasp, couldn't he just kill him? Why didn't he just kill him before? Why... would he? Ein seems to be weak and in pain, he seems... sincere. "You should have thought of that before you did what you did..." Aaron let Ein down and turned to walk out of the alley.

"Th- things got out of hand! I didn't even want Aph, s- she was..." Ein leaned against the wall, "A mistake."

"......." Aaron stopped.

"I'm sorry.... that's my point, I made it... I'll go now." Ein rubbed the side of his arm "Bya.... Aaron."

Aaron turned around to watch him leave, but was surprised to see him gone already.

"...... Bye."

After the Smoke ClearsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant