Chapter 1

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It's your usual Friday night, and as your usual Friday night in a club, most people either party hard and dance all night or come by the bar to be drunk or just to enjoy chatting with the bartender. Tomomi is no different. She's by the bar, waiting for almost an eternity for someone. She had almost finished 3 glasses of Cosmopolitan, and still, no sign of her date. Looking again on her watch, it's almost 11 PM. "Maybe I ought to go home now. There's no way he's coming. Damn him," she sighed. She hates being stood up, especially if that someone for strange reasons, can never be contacted in any means. She was about to stand up from her seat when someone suddenly approached her.

"Did you came here by yourself tonight?" Tomomi quickly turned and looked at the person that approached her. Much to her dismay (but then, also relief), it's a woman. This woman smiled brightly at her and Tomomi couldn't just help but smile back, though she's a little scared.

"Uhmm... Kind of... ", Tomomi answered nervously. The other woman then sat next to her and said, "Hmmm... Guess you were stood up, weren't you?"

Ouch. The tact of this woman! Tomomi's face gradually degraded upon hearing that. It was like she was slapped in the face. Then her sadness was replaced by anger. "I don't need to hear that from you, you know," she retorted. They were complete strangers for goodness' sake! "Ahaha... I know. I'm sorry about that. As an apology, I will make this evening worthwhile for you," the woman said with confidence, and as Tomomi faintly noticed, a glint of mischief.

"I don't need your pity." Tomomi, despite her seemingly cute and adorable appearance, refuses to be pitied on. She was about to stand up and leave, but she was stopped. "No, please, I'm serious. I don't really mean it in a bad way." It was only then at that moment that Tomomi was able to look at the other woman carefully. She had long brown layered hair with her bangs swept to the left side, almond-shaped brown eyes, a long nose and gorgeous pouty lips. Oh, she's pretty... and quite charming too. That's what first registered in Tomomi's head. After what seemed like an eternity, she tried to shake off her hand from the other woman's grip, but the grip only became tighter. "Please let me go home, if you really want to make up for your tactlessness. I'm tired already," Tomomi said, with bitterness in her voice. She's already tired from waiting for someone who was not able to show up, and she has to deal with this complete stranger. She needs a break. "Look, I'm really sorry about that. I know I'm just someone you've met, but... I also want you to leave with a smile in your face. Then... I'll let you go," the stranger apologized.

From the stranger's last sentence, Tomomi thought she noticed a hint of regret and sadness. But that wouldn't be possible, would it be? But having nothing to lose or gain, she opted to play along through this. "Fine. Make me happy."

"Sure. With pleasure, Miss-?"

"Tomomi," she answered flatly. Why is this woman so persistent?

"With all of my pleasure, Miss Tomomi, I will make you happy. You won't regret this." This time, the other woman smiled so brightly, and held her hand so gently, that Tomomi thought she was going to blush.

"Uhmm, you know my name, but what's yours?"

"Oh! Sorry for my manners. I'm Haruna. Pleased to meet you."

"So, Haruna, what's your plan in making me happy this evening?"

"I'd like to offer you a drink, but it looks like you've already had your fair share of it."

"Oh, I don't mind another round of drinks. You're going to make me happy, right?" Tomomi was quite surprised from what she said. It seemed that the alcohol is taking effect to her system right now. But after being left out like this, she opted that someone ought to make her forget her sadness and disappointment.

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