My sad story

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K so I decided to write a sad story today, cuz I wuz in a bad mood, I'm listening to 'my immortal' as I write this, and it's making me sad! :'(

Also, warning: this is VERY innapropriatte, well maybe some pple think this isnt THAT innapropriatte but in my standards, it's EXTREMELY innapropriatte

Anyway here we go:

I bit my lip, it hurt so bad, not just this physical pain he was causing me, no, I would say emotionally, it hurt much more.

He went in again; 'did he ever love me at all'

Out; 'he came to me so suddenly that day, I didn't know what to think'

In; 'we never said anything to each-other, just this, this was our relationship'

Out; 'in the end, I know in my heart he never loved me at all'

A tear streamed down my cheek, but he paid no attention to it, after a while he got out of the bed and the covers fell off with him.

I laid there silently as tears streamed down my cheeks, I didn't care that my naked body was fully exposed, I was used to it by now.

I turned over onto my stomach and pushed my face into the pillow, 'maybe I'll get lucky and I'll suffocate myself to death'

I thought back to the way things used to be; I suppose we were never close to begin with, I almost never spoke to him.

But it didn't matter if I'd never spoken to him, because I had watched; I had watched what a beautiful, perfect human being he was.

From a distance, I would admire him, he was my idol, he was my dream, and when we finally met, he became my love.

The person who I loved beyond all others, but of course he would never love me, 'who could ever love me?' I thought to myself constantly, such an incredible person must look at me as if I were dust.

I stood from the bed, and noticed that I was bleeding down there, of course it wasn't because this was my first time, it was just because he had been far to rough like always.

So much pain...

I wrapped myself in a sheet and tied it at my chest like people sometimes do with towels, I didn't care that the blood was visible through the white sheet.

I wonder if I'll die like this...

I stood outside the bathroom that my lover stood in, he paused and looked at me, then at the blood that stained the sheet, he didn't say anything and just closed the door.

I kept walking by...

On that day....

I stood at my kitchen sink when he suddenly appeared, "how did you get in here?" I asked confused.

He didn't say anything and just walked closer to me, "I'm not kidding around, your not supposed to be here.." I said my voice shaking from confusion.

He finally walked over to me, and roughly slammed his lips onto mine, I felt tense, 'what is this?'.

His lips traveled to my neck, and he kissed/sucked on it, his hands ran circles on my hips, before they traveled higher, up to my shirt.

"are you drunk?" I asked/moaned, he didn't answer.

He was still slow, as he ripped shirt off of me, I was so confused, 'what's going on?!'

He then fondled with my bra, until he got it off me, he again slowly slid it off my arms, he rand his fingers up and down my sides.

My sad storyWhere stories live. Discover now