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**Jazmynne POV**

"Jazmynne what the hell happened here?" My mom said.

"Nothing mama, *whispers damn under breath.*" I said.

"What was that?" Said my mom.

"Nothing, man, nothing." I told her.

"That's what the hell I thought, now tell me what you did while I was gone!" She exclaimed.

I guess it's time to explain since she knows anyway.

"Well, while you were gone, I invited Jaksenne and Julyenna over and they invited some more people, like I told them to, and we were posting pictures and when people saw them, they came."

She replies, "Okey, well in that case, your grounded for two months, no Jaksenne, no Julyenna, no leaving this house unless you're going to school and bring your ass straight back here after school. Also, I'm getting you a babysitter to make sure you don't go anywhere. If I find out you snuck out, I will beat your ass. Do you understand me?"

"Yea whatever," *rolls eyes*

*Mom smacks the shit out of me* "Don't roll your eyes at me and who the fuck you think you're talking to?"

"Nobody man," I replied.

"Go your ass to your room and stay there unless I tell you to come out," she told me.

"Oh, and give me that damn computer....you can only keep your phone because I'll need to contact you," said my mom.

These two months are going to be hell, especially because she's hiring a fucking babysitter. Man fuck !!!!


Hi guys !! This is my first chapter of my first book. I hope you guys like it and please leaves likes, comments, and votes !!

What do you think about Jazmynne😊?

Do you all want more of her and Jaksenne👍? Comment and let me know.

I'll start updating as soon as I get some reads on here so read on and recommend me to friends if you want updates. When I get reads, I'll start updating daily. Until then✌!!

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