Double Trouble - Janoskians Fan Fiction

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My Name is Steph, 14.. This is my first Fan Fiction , Let me know what you think (: 

WARNING! : My punctuation is terrible ! So don't say i didn't warn you (: 

I am doing this just for fun ! So I hope it all goes well (: 

This first chapter maybe a little boring but please keep reading, I promise you it will get better. 

So I just looked through this chapter... and released I don't like it  so feel free to skip to chapter 2.. cause yeh...  (: promise it will get better (: 


Saturday 12th, May 2012 1pm 

Well hello Diary, Well I just bought you in the shops like 5 minutes ago but all good, Thought i'll entertain myself while in the plane. Well since your new I guess you have no idea where were going & who the hell I am, Well let me start. My Name is Steph Jones, 16 years of age , From London, England. Wow I must be really board out of my mind  to be talking to a book, well I am board but like my friends say, You Only Live Once ay. So I'll just talk normally, I'm here about to board my flight and no this isn't a holiday, I'm moving to Melbourne, Australia  for the rest of my life & gosh will  I miss England and my friend, Your probably wondering , why Australia, why not America  or Italy or something better, Well daddy got a job offer there & I guess it was a lot of money to convince  daddy to move there. Anyway have to go, Getting on the plane, Nice writing in you. 

I stood up, holding my diary in one hand and holding my back pack in the other, heading towards the front desk lady

"Hello, Please walk straight through, & turn left at the end, Enjoy the flight"

 She gave a slight smile, while pointing in which direction I should go. Mum followed behind with daddy and my little brother Harry, He just turned 13, I absolutely adore him but he can sometimes be a pain in the bum. As walking through the plane finding our seats, I see faces staring at me and my family, sometimes I just want to stop & give them a bitch slap. As we approached our seat, I quickly moved to the end near the window and sat down,

" You took my seat, What the Fu...."

He looked at mum & dad with a cheeky smile, and finished

"Fudge, Yeap What the Fudge"

With nervous face on, I just gave a little smile and shoke my head. I buckled up & grabbed my diary out. 

Saturday 12th, May 2012 1:45pm

Hey diary, On the plane right now, I think its about to depart, ain't sure yet, So nervous to start a new school, Daddy said he already enrolled me in a school and I'm start monday, Yeah I know what your thinking, I just got to Melbourne and I have to go school already, He said it was some school called Penola High School or something, I'm really nervous , What if no one likes me but I can't think that, have to stat positive. 

"Dear Diary, There are so many hot boys in the plane, I can't stop looking at them, so I thought why not write about them, so I'll never forget about them, Have to go, bye xoxo" ,

As my brother imitated  me, Putting on a dumb girl voice, I stared at him with a straight face "

You think that's funny"

, "Hilarious",

I pushed him over so he fell on the floor than yelled, so loud that the whole plane could hear,

"MUM ! I think Harry's drunk, I didn't even touch him and he fell".

Everyone stared back and looked at the young boy just sitting on floor, looking lost as always.

 "What ! I am not !, Lady's & Gentlemen, I am not drunk,So Keep going on with your life,don't worry about me"

He quickly sat back down, Staring at me like his head was going to blow off, I leaned over and whispered

"Karma's a bitch, Ay". and leaned back , and continued to write. 

Anyway, I'm going, And annoy my brother. Cya.  (: 

Sunday 13th , May 2012 7pm. 

Arghhh! I start school tomorrow ! Im so nervous, Anyway I guess I'll tell you what i have been doing since we landed two days ago, Honestly it ain't that interesting but I guess it will get my mind off me being nervous, Well long story short, went sight seeing, I swear Australia is really different to England, The shops here are amazing ! The clothes are so different but the strangest thing what I saw while in a shopping centre, was these boys lying on the ground straight, with there head down, in front of the escalator, I think someone was videoing them but was sure. Still getting used to the time change so I'm feeling pretty exhausted so I'll have to say I'm off. 

Double TroubleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ