And They Call Us Monsters...

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So, if you're here, thank you for deciding to read my story! It really means a lot to me, especially since I really love writing, a LOT. So thank you so much! Btw this takes place on the surface in Astara's point of view. Oh! Right! You dunno who Astara is. Well she's the daughter of Underfell Papyrus (Sometimes known as Edge) and Underfell Sans (Also known as Red). Also! This AU has hints of Papyrus x Sans, so if that isn't your cup of tea, DO NOT READ.

Now there aren't any other alternate universes other than this one (Ex. Underswap, Swapfell ect.), but I just wanna say that Astara is human. Like 100% human. But she has magic. Purple magic. She has dark purple hair, pitch black eyes, pale skin, and usually wears dark clothing. She's also really skinny, so if you hug her, you can feel her bones. In short, she's really goth and she's battling depression. I'll add in a picture of her at the end. She has a condition (I found it online) called non specific food exercise induced anaphylaxis, meaning she can't exercise after eating or she will get really sick. So if you have actually read my spiel, thanks! TIME TO GET TO THE STORY!!!


Shadows closing in, looming figures right above her. "Freak. Weirdo. Psychopath. Insane." The words seemed to blur together as the monsters came closer and closer....

I shoot up out of my bed, like a rocket. I sit there on my bed, slowly trying to calm down my racing heart. Calm down Star. It was just a dream. I jump out of bed, just in a crop top and pajama pants, and I slowly creep out of my room. I spare myself a glance in the mirror, staring at my shock white face to the braids I put my hair in.

Gently padding my way downstairs, I pour myself a glass of water. I bring it upstairs and set it on my bedside table, taking small sips from it every now and then. Tomorrow is my first day of school, I think. It'll be torture. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear footsteps, approaching my door. I immediately duck under my covers, pretending to be asleep.

My eyes are closed, but I hear my door creak open, allowing voices to be heard. "I don't care what you say Sans, but we are going to drop our daughter off at her new school tomorrow, and that's final!" I hear my Papa say.

"I know Boss, but she's 14, she'll be going to a human school. I'm not sure people will be 100 percent accepting of the fact that she has skeletons for parents. Do you know what kids her age are capable of doing to her? And they call us monsters." My Dad's gruff voice replies.

I hear a sigh and a clack of bones, "I understand your concern but she'll be fine. Our daughter can power through anything, and if I'm wrong, well let's just say-" My Dad cuts my Papa off, "if anyone hurts Astara Galaxy Font then they're gonna have a bad time."

I hear the door close and I breathe out a small sigh of relief. Of course my parents would come to my aid. I smile, trying to push away the thoughts of bullies, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


I wake up that morning to the smell of bacon and eggs, wafing up into my bedroom. I smile, thanks Papa. I climb out of bed, running a comb through my hair after taking out the braids, leaving it wavy. I pull on some fishnet tights, a black leather skirt, a lacy black top, and a sleeveless leather cardigan to go over it. After putting on some black combat boots and fishnet gloves, I deemed myself ready. Grabbing my phone and leather bag, I rush downstairs.

"Morning Dad, Papa. Thanks for dropping me off to school today." I say. My Dad gives me a smile as my Papa says, "Oh course Astara, we're happy to drop you off to school." I sit down and eat my breakfast, and before I know it it's time to go to school.

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