The Others

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Hey guys this is a new story for me sooo I just hope you enjoy...

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Jessie's mother always told her she was special ever since she was a little girl. Although she never really told her why specifically, she always told her that one day, Jessie would eventually have to face this 'great responsibility'. Jessie would always find herself wondering, why was it such a big deal?




Today was her eighteenth birthday. Jessie never really celebrated birthdays, but her mother insisted on throwing a big, elaborate party for Jessie and her friends.

It was 6:00, her party started at 8:00. Jessie pulled herself out of the green bean bag chair lying on the floor and placed her book onto the shelf beside her. Jessie made her way over to her floor-length mirror, dragging her feet(which was a bad habit). She stood looking at her haggard reflection, almost cringing at what she saw. She looked at her lengthy, strawberry-blonde hair, hanging just below her ribs. Jessie noticed every frizzy hair coming out of place, every strand. If she had the time, she would count them.

Her dull blue eyes shifted down to her outfit. She had on paint stained sweatpants an oversized sweater that fell, exposing a small part of her pale shoulder.

She slowly moved, almost zombie-like, over to the closet. Jessie sniffed through the closet finding and outfit somewhat presentable. After what seemed like a year she pulled out a simple pair of skinny jeans, a decent sweater and slipped on a pair of polka dot Ked

She tiptoed down the creaky stairs, noticing the sounds of the wood. Almost like the sounds of the stairs were screaming into her ears.

Jessie's mother was gathering her things and slipping into her heels. "Oh Jess honey, there you are! I'll be back I'm going out with the girls and I'll be back by 2 am. What are my rules again?" her mother asked raising a just-waxed eyebrow at Jessie.

"No drugs. No alcohol. No breaking things." Jessie recited as if she studied it for hours. Which she had, she had studied how the words rolled off her tongue, watching the way her lips changed with every vowel. So you could say that she studied it.

"Good girl." her mother said, patting Jessie on the head. "Well I should get going, you don't want an old lady ruining your party." She said, waving her hands in the air, causing Jessie to chuckle. "Love ya, have fun, no drugs!" she called walking out the door.




Jessie plopped down to the couch, hoping people would actually show up to her party. She pulled out her phone and texted her best guy friend, Sam. Jessie never really had many friends, especially not girl ones, it never interested her.

*Hey, you coming?(:*

*On my way!(:*

She locked her phone and stared at the unmoving ceiling fan. She was so focused on it. It was like she was zooming into the fan, looking only at the details. Every dust spec seemed so interesting to Jessie. Her head rolled to the side and focused her gaze to the wall. Again, it seemed so interesting. The texture of the wall seemed to create shapes and designs...

There was a knock at the door tearing her away from her thoughts. She got up, knowing it would be Sam. Jessie swung the door open, but it wasn't Sam. It was a tall figure looming over her, wearing mostly black, and quite handsome. She was too intimidated to speak. He looked Jessie up and down with deep grey eyes and without a word turned and walked away from the house. She, of course, studied the unnamed male, he looked maybe nineteen, twenty? She remembered the intensity of his stare, and the small scars sprinkling his hands and part of his face.

She brushed the thought away. He was most likely just looking for a certain house. Few slow minutes passed and the door knocked once again. This time it was actually Sam. "Hey." Sam greeted, with a toothy grin and pulled her into a warm embrace. She noticed how he smelled of mint and how the fabric of his sweatshirt had tiny balls of fuzz stuck to it. They were so hard to not see.

"Hey." Jessie replied, pulling out of their hug.

"So no one here yet?" he asked, walking in and plopping onto the couch.

"Nope." Jessie replied, popping the 'P'.

Sam pulled out his phone, sliding his thumb across the screen. He quickly typed a number into the keypad.

"Jessie's house. Party. Bring friends." he said once the phone picked up.

"No strippers." Jessie said pointing a finger at Sam.

"Fine." he says, smirking. "People will be getting here soon. Tyler says he's bringing his friends." Tyler was known as one of the 'popular' kids, of course he wouldn't pass up the opportunity of a party and of course he would bring friends.





Ok so did you guys like it??? yes no maybe so??(:

please vote/comment if you like it so far(:


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