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        The tiny droplets of water sparked grass in the field, redirecting the new days light across a vast pool of grass. Her eyes were still blurry and filled with the previous nights sleep. Sounds of the city could be heard rumbling even in this early hour.Today was the day she knew. The day when her only options were success or utter failure for final exams awaited. There were never enough minutes in the day and every spare merely screamed attention to the many obligations on her plate.

     The clicking of the old hideous wooden clock on the far wall mocked her every move as she briskly and programatically organized herself to greet the day ahead. By this point, she had thought about every move she would need to do as not to slip any step. Absolute focus and a faint beckon of anxiety also filled her mind as she struggled to keep her eyes closed all through the night. It was too late to worry about sleep at this point though. She knew she had to forge ahead the best should could with every ounce of effort and none to spare on trivial worries.

     A light rain began to sprinkle down as the journey to her stone laden campus began. The heavy wooden door closed behind her with a calamitous thud. Mechanically, her hand slid the key into the lock. Click. All was well. This morning was falling right into place and nothing could possibly fail.

     Two short kilometers and inside the safety of the Academy. Familiar were the smells of the old books and lacquered wooden chairs. So often would she spend hours studying until her back was sore and cramped. It would all be worth while today though.

     Dark swirls took shape overhead and the mild dampness that befell her earlier soon began to show malice intent. Deep collections of cool rain water formed before her feet and the liquid permeated her socks. Her feet became frigid and numb. Merely a slight hindrance she mused. The heavy drops fell with cruel intent as her uniform became heavy with the extra water. A storefront overhang stood ready to grant her shelter until the worst of the storm had passed.

     Inside her mind whipped and frayed just as dark as the clouds above. The clock was still ticking. The scope of her morning endeavors were being crushed all by a simple summer shower. Even the elemental power of water was no match for her perseverance. This day marked a major point in her future and could not be avoided at any cost.

     The wind abated enough to turn the remaining torrent into a mild, but tolerable drizzle. Onward to destiny. Onward to my future. Passing the houses on her route with quickening foot steps. Her walk had turned into a jog, then a run. Knowing that every second she saved put her back on schedule for that morning. Only another kilometer to go she mustered. Her lungs began to burn in the crisp morning air.

     The constant hum and bustle of traffic began to muffle the cries of the birds greeting the morning. To the curb and then within sight. Her goal and destination. The busy street ahead flowed swiftly and the careless drivers self absorbed and dreary from rest moved as automatons greeting the morning commute. One good clearing would be all she should need to prance across the asphalt expanse and make it to the other side. Her heightened anticipation was soon shattered like glass by the spray of muddy water.

     Sputtering, she spat the disgusting brew from her face and cleared her eyes. Utter shock came over her and then the realization that her socks were completely soaked. A tremble began to form in her lip as she became instantly self conscious and knew her crush would see her distress and shun her as a filthy heathen. None the less, a shimmer of resolve flashed through her eyes. No matter what anyone thought or judged. There was work to be done.

     A full sprint lead her past the few courtyards and shops leading to glorious moment. The very moment she would find absolution to every grueling day and long nights. The pinnacle of vindication. Nearly out of breath and routinely wiping the perspiration from her forehead. She hunched forth in front of the main entryway. A few moments to push some air into her scorching lungs and compose herself for the day ahead. So many thoughts raced through her mind as she stared at the cracks in the concrete and visualized her success. It was the only way to drown out the doubts.

     Turning towards the stairs for the final few steps, a note was taped to the door. It seemed blurry through her glasses as they were now coated with moisture from the early morning humidity. A few stairs further she climbed until the text jumped from the bulletin and into her eyes... "Walang Pasok, Classes will reconvene next week"

     Relief, anger, confusion. Every emotion she could muster began to emanate from her face as she came to terms with the announcement. A few moments passed as she internally cursed the school and recalled the arduous feats of her journey. The realization that she would have another morning to make everything work perfectly calmed the rapid flow of passion and a long exhale abolished the stress in her shoulders. "The next time, the next time, I will have it. I will be victorious and I know exactly what I need to make it happen" She pushed the thought across her mind. "I need to remember to bring an extra pair of clean socks!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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