chapter 1

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I woke up with my baby girl on my mind. I haven't seen her all weekend. She goes to her father's house every other weekend,and I miss her every second she's gone. She is my best friend, the only thing in my life that truly makes me happy no matter the circumstances.

I took my shower and got dressed. As soon as Lisa wakes up we're going to get my baby,and I have the whole day planned for us. I walked down the hall to Lisa's room. I knocked a few times but got no response, so I walked in but she wasn't there. I went back to my room to call her,the first thing I saw when I looked at the notifications on my phone was a text from her. She had to go out of town for a photo shoot so now I have to go to Amaru's house by myself.

I was in a really good mood until now, I don't want to deal with Amaru or Aaliyah today. I hurried out the door,ever since my father died about two years ago,I hate to be in that house alone too long. I got in my car and mentally prepared myself for this encounter, I haven't seen Amaru since my father died. We have very little communication between us, I prefer it that way. I'm not that 19 year old girl anymore. Things that I put up with then,I don't even entertain now. Leaving him was one of the hardest decisions I ever made because I really loved him but he hurt me to the point of no return and I refuse to ever put myself through something like that again.


"Aye, Lil boy you better not hit your sister again unless you wanna get fucked up" I yelled at my son kiyon aka king

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"Aye, Lil boy you better not hit your sister again unless you wanna get fucked up" I yelled at my son kiyon aka king. Him and Mia stay fighting whenever they're in this backyard. The little playground I got back here for them just causes drama, my baby girl thinks cause she's older than him by some months that she fuck with him. Which is partly true because regardless of her age difference he knows not to put his hands on his sister.

"Daddy!" Mia ran up to me looking just like her mom

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"Daddy!" Mia ran up to me looking just like her mom. I sat her on my lap. "I'm hungry, I want French fries."

Sometimes I forget how well spoken and articulate she is for a three year old.  "Alright princess, let's get out this backyard and I'll have Liyah make you some fries. Help your brother off the swing."
She let out a sigh before going to help him. I went in the house,leaving the door open for them.

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