Death to a spy

16 3 1

A spy named Sally who was prego had a fiance named David. David went to the dark side and blew up a building that Sally was on a mission in, and a piece of debris got stuck in prego Sally and killed the baby. So Sally killed David, David's lover, Fiona got pissed and killed Sally's mum. So Sally killed Fiona, But Fiona was cheating on David with fiance Frank (Total gasp). Frank got pissed and tried to kill Sally but failed So she killed him. But Frank was cheating on Fiona with Bitch who got mad and plotted her death and was waiting the right moment to strike.


Author Note

Me and my friend nonangel4 made this disturbing story. Don't judge we did it for fun its so bad its funny. Please go follow her she is awesome. K bye my little disturbed children.

             -woklfgirl 🐺

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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