i'll miss you one direction one shot

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                          this is just an idea that came to mind i haven't even edited this led alone reread it soooo......... yeah it probably sucks ( it's also kinda of only have finished) but let me know what you think !!!!!!!!!! ;)

             “ it won’t be long now,” Harry told Rebecca, the clearest words he had spoken in days.

“Shh,” she shushed him, rubbing his back as she sat him up on the bed to change his bedpan, “don’t say that,”

He intertwined their hands stopping Rebecca from her work, “I know it won’t be long- do you remember me when I came here? Do I even resemble the same person?  I can’t even get up to go to the lou by myself; “

a tear fell from his eye and landed on their fingertips, he had sped up the pace in his voice, worrying that they may run out of time.

“I like who I am now- the new Harry; and I want to show the world that and see everything that I haven’t seen, but then I look around, do you know what I see?” he asked his lover who shook her head,

“I see the pictures of me and the lads, and me Mum and dad and Gemma, pictures from before, before I changed before I knew that my life could have been so much worse and I was just a selfish rich kid, who thought he knew everything but didn’t and then I see the pictures of you and Isabelle and the girl from new year’s eve and I remind  myself that I had so many more opportunities then other people, already, lived so much more than other people, maybe it is my time to die,”

he looked a Rebecca who had stayed silent through most of his spiel, her eyes, though closed were swollen and red. There were bits of black mascara around her face, were the water had dried and left their mark. She was biting her lip and shaking her head.

“you can’t talk like this Harry, you’ll be okay; you will be okay,” but it sounded like she was more or less trying to convince herself as opposed to him,

He took a painful breath of air and continued.

“Maybe this was supposed to happen this way,” he told her, stroking a piece of her wavy hair with his free hand and bringing her toward him for one final kiss.

She willingly moved toward him, forgetting about everything. The only thing that mattered to her in that moment was her lips against Harry’s for one more time.  Even the ever present sparks seemed to lack the magic that she had felt with him since the first kiss was still there. Their lips parted, and then came back together, delicate and careful, yet loving and sweet. And Harry, oh Harry was on the verge of tears of happiness – not despair, like one might presume. he loved Rebecca so much, he needed her love. Their lips parted again, then came back together and then parted one last time,

“I love you,” his raspy voice whispered with his dying breath.

She kissed his forehead, still holding his hand.

“I love you too, my dear Harry, I love you too, “

The heart monitor began beeping loudly - signaling his heart was no longer beating and everything else seemed to happen in slow motion, yet super fast at the same time.

The doctor asked her to leave the room and call his parents in England and  then call the boys, he had not been pronounced dead yet but it was a definite occurrence, she nodded sullenly, holding back her tears and proceeded to call Anne Cox and inform her of her son’s death.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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