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Lucy frowned as she watched everyone from her guild party except for a few. It's been five months since Lisanna came back from the dead and five months since everyone but a few started to ignore her. Mira, Gray, Juvia, Gageel, Erza, Levy, Wendy and the exceeds were the only ones that acknowledged her presence. Natsu, her long time crush, has been ignoring her since Lisanna's return. Lucy's frown deepened as she sipped her strawberry shake. Why was this happening? Was she not good enough for him? Was she weak? No, that can't be it. Could it?

Lucy was broken out of her depressing thoughts by her best friend's voice. "LU-CHAN!!!" yelled Levy as she came up to Lucy with a big smile on her face. "Hey Lu-chan, are you okay?" she asked quietly.

Lucy shook her head with a smile. "Nothing is wrong Levy. It's just that everyone seems to be ignoring me for some reason." she replied. Levy stared for a while before smiling.

" Not everyone is ignoring you Lu-chan. You still have me, Juvia, Gray, Erza, Mira, Wendy, Gageel and the exceeds. You're not completely alone." Lucy grinned. "You're right Lev-chan, I still have you guys. You are the best friends a girl like myself could ask for." Levy laughed. "Yep!!!"

Levy and Lucy talked and played around for about 30 minutes when Wendy came running towards them with tears running down her eyes.

Wendy ran up and tackled Lucy in a big hug. "I'm sorry Lucy-nee!!! I tried to stop Natsu and Lisanna but they wouldn't listen to me. Gray and Erza had tried to talk them out of it along with Carla and Happy but they still would not give in!!!" Wendy kept crying while Levy tried to calm her down and Lucy rubbed Wendy's back soothingly.

"What's going on Wendy? What's the matter?" asked Levy as Juvia, Mira, and Gageel showed up.

"Hey shrimp, bunny girl and princess." said Gageel

"Love rival, why is young Wendy crying." asked Juvia

"What's the matter sweetie?" asked Mira

Before anyone could answer, Team Natsu and Lisanna came up to them. Erza and Gray looked at Lucy with sadness in their eyes.

"Sorry Lucy, we tried." said Gray

"I'm so sorry Lucy. Natsu's an idiot." said Erza.

Natsu and Lisanna glared at them.  Natsu turned and looked at Lucy, who was still holding Wendy. Wendy was staring wide eyed at both Natsu and Lisanna.

"Please don't." pleaded Wendy. "Don't do it. You'll hurt her."

Natsu scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I can do whatever I want. It's my team." he turned to Lucy, "And you, Lucy Heartfilia, I'm kicking you off the team. You're too weak and you always hide behind your spirits. I'm always having to save you and it is getting on my everlasting nerves. Oh, AND you always complain about your rent. Can you just shut up about it. My god. Plus, you were only a replacement for Lisanna. Now that she's back, the guild doesn't need you anymore. So LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!" He was screaming at Lucy by the end of his mean speech.

Lucy stood there in shock, tears rolling down her eyes as she let go of Wendy. The entire guild was nodding their heads in agreement except for Erza, Gray, Wendy, Levy, Juvia, Mira, Gageel,  and the exceeds. They were the ones who were shocked.

Lisanna laughed. "Oh look, the weakling is crying like the crybaby she is. How pathetic." she sneered. Mira was in shock and enraged by her sister's behavior. This wasn't the Lisanna she knew. Her sweet and kind Lisanna was gone. Mira stomped up to her sister and punched her in the face, making Lisanna fly back into the wall. Mira was in her Satan Soul form. She was pissed.

"HOW COULD YOU LISANNA!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? LUCY IS NOT PATHETIC!!! FOR ANYTHING IT IS YOU WHO IS PATHETIC!!!" Mira screamed. Everyone stared at Mira with shocked looks on their faces. Lucy, who was in the corner with her bangs covering her face, had walked up to Mira and stopped her from hitting Lisanna again. Natsu was glaring at Lucy and Mira.

"It's okay Mira. I know when I'm not welcomed anywhere. I'll just leave." Lucy said quietly but Natsu and the other dragon slayers heard her.

Natsu smirked. "Good leave and never come back because if you do, I'll kill you." With that said Natsu went to go help Lisanna. Lucy felt more tears trying to fall out of her eyes but she held them in and ran up to Master Makarov's office. When she got there, she knocked on the door.

"Come in." called the Master's voice. Lucy walked into the office to see the master signing papers. The master looked about and smiled. "Lucy, my child. What is it that you need?" he questioned. Lucy shifted uncomfortably .

"Masteriwouldliketoquittheguild." Lucy rushed her sentence. The master blinked before setting aside his paper work. "Can you repeat that?" He said

Lucy took a deep breath before saying, "Master I would like to quit the guild."

"B-but why?" The master was close to tears.

"Everyone has been ignoring me except for Mira, Juvia, Erza, Wendy, Levy, Gageel, Gray and the exceeds. The others call me weak and think I shouldn't be in this guild. Natsu said if I ever came back, he will kill me. So, I'm going to go train for a while. Maybe in about 5 years I'll be back. Maybe not." Lucy said in one breath while rubbing her arm. The master was angry and sad but erased Lucy's guild mark anyway.

"Bye Ma- I mean bye Makarov. See you in the near future."

"Bye Lucy, you're welcomed here no matter what them brats say."

Lucy smiled before leaving the office and going down the stairs. Her friends had tears running their eyes.

"Don't go. Please Lucy don't go." cried Wendy

"Love rival must stay here with us." Replied Juvia

Mira and everyone else that cared for Lucy only smiled sad smiles. They understood. Lucy only shook her head and smiled.

"I have to go. I'm not welcomed here. I love you guys. You are my one and only true friends. Thank you for everything." Lucy had tears running down her eyes as all of her true friends hugged her. She pulled away and waved before leaving the guild for good.

Changed (Continued)(Will Be Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang