your poison in my veins

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A/N: guess who just churned out another unnecessarily long story? This bihh!! There's absolutely no reason why this is 25k words long, other than it got away from me. I don't even know if people post long oneshot at once? I was considering splitting it up in chapters but that didn't work you have all of it! I really hope you like it guys


It is never easy to take a life.

It will never be, despite what her father says, Lauren has never found it easy, much less enjoyed it. There's nothing enjoyable about watching life ebbing out of someone's eyes as they choke in a pool of their own blood.

No, it's never enjoyable, but it's always, always necessary, and Lauren will always do what's necessary.

The soft sea breeze sweeps through the nearly empty warehouse and blows her midnight black hair across her pale face. Her green-blue eyes are as hard and cold as the steel of the gun in her hand. She studies the man crumbled in the chair across from her.

His name is Huck Stone, and he stares back at her with alarmingly dark green eyes; they remind Lauren of the snake that he is; he struck, fast and hard when they weren't looking and now he's paying the price for it.

He used to work for the family and was one of her father's most trusted and closest soldiers. He got seduced by greed and Lauren caught him on his way out of the country with a bag full of properties that didn't belong to him.

Lauren lifts the gun, tongue swiping across her red-painted bottom lip and asks.

"Any last words, Stone?"

Huck meets her gaze evenly, there's no fear, just acceptance of his fate. He knew the risk of betraying them, properly ran over every possible scenario and still thought it was worth the risk.

Huck's busted up lip pulls into a half smile. "Your father is going to be proud of you."

Lauren is momentarily stunned by the words and she's once again reminded that Huck has been with them since forever. He has seen her grow, has seen her walk on fire and jump through hoops to make her father proud.

She swallows. It's always harder to kill one of their own.

But still necessary.

She pulls the trigger. The sound of the bullet piercing the air is silent, thanks to the suppresser and the only sound is the familiar one of the bullet tearing through Hank's skull, splattering blood and brain everywhere, streaking Lauren's cheek but she barely twitches. Hank's body slumps and Lauren heaves a deep sigh.

"Clean it up," she orders the men with her and they immediately move forward, collecting Hank's corpse into a body bag with quick and practiced moves.

She spins around and glares at Lucas, her twin brother. "You know, I can't keep cleaning up after your mess, Lucas. You're fucking lucky we caught him before he could escape. Papá would've had your neck."

Lucas rolls his eyes. "I cleaned up after you when you left that mess with Luthor and his wife. The FBI would be up our asses right now if it hadn't been for me. So, I count us even, dear manita."

"You wouldn't have to clean it up if you weren't the one to compromise it to begin with," Lauren argues and holsters her gun. "You're so messy and unprofessional. It's a wonder that we're the same age —"

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