Humor Meets K-9...

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Last week, when I was traveling in the Bedroom, a Technical k-9 came in through my open window. To my surprise the k-9 immediately jumped on the A Tardis and bounced right over the A sonic screwdriver, knocking over the glass of Monster that I had poured earlier.

The k-9 then ran into the Bathroom where it over turned the underwear that was sitting on the food.

After 8 minutes of chasing the k-9 through the house I finally caught it and put it outside. The k-9 quickly climbed the nearest Fallen Angel.

(Couple weeks Later..)

"I've never been so surprised!" said Humor_O_N8 to the local newspaper reporter. "Yesterday, while I was traveling in the Bedroom, a Technical k-9 just wandered in."

"It crawled over the A Tardis and then slipped behind the A sonic screwdriver."

"The k-9 then went into the Bathroom where it played with the underwear that was sitting on the food.

"After running around the house several times the k-9 decided it had had enough of my company and went outside. The k-9 quickly climbed the nearest Fallen Angel and then totally ignored me."

One day while Humor_O_N8 was walking through the woods he came across a cave he had never seen before.

(And a couple weeks after that..)

Entering the cave Humor_O_N8 found that the cave looked just like his own Bedroom. Right in the middle of the cave was a k-9 doing some traveling on the A Tardis.

Humor_O_N8 was so surprised when the k-9 looked up and offered him a glass of Monster that he raced all the way home and hid behind the food in his Bathroom.

Humor_O_N8 didn't dare go back in to the woods again for over 8 weeks.

The End! ╰◝◟≖◞౪◟≖◞◜╯

Humor Meets K-9...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن