Impromptu no.1

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Author's note: The first installation to get you and me started on this project. I figure if i start doing this as a thing, It'll help my creative flow and writing skills a little better. If you decide to read on, great! Thank you! If not, I understand! Enjoy.

“Where are all the staples?” They scream as they frantically look for anything—ANYTHING—that can staple these papers together…

Trying tape, they cry; the tape just doesn’t cut it.

"We need staples," declares the boss evenly with newfound confidence. Everyone in the office looks at him, suddenly hanging on to his every word. "We need staples," he repeats, "and I know just where to find them." Everyone watches as the boss goes to his phone and dials the number. "We desperately need you," he says. "We… we were foolish to let you go."

Running down the hallway, he trips twice, but it's okay because he is the hero. He halts at the office door. “You missin’ some staples?” The brave warrior strides over to the desk and the boss hands him the stapler. He fills up the stapler with the precious staples. “You’re gonna be alright.”

"Thank you son." The boss hugs the hero briefly. "Come now, let me show you to your office."

"No," the man refuses. "I’ve done my service here. You’ve found a much more capable worker with abilities I cannot supply here," he addresses the people of the office. "You’re all safe now! Your staples are returned safe and sound as well. Farewell, citizens."

"Mr. Smith, wait—" The head of the office’s tries at getting Mr. Smith to stop were futile; there was no changing his mind, and he was already on his way.

Spreading his wings, Smith placed the nametag that read, "Hi, My Name is Will" neatly on the sides of the steps. Then, jumped from the front doors' 3 steps and made his way on. It’s only an upward climb from here, he thought.

Impromptu no.1Where stories live. Discover now