Chapter One: Her Secret

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There once was a girl named Zoe. Everyone at school knew her as a shy, quiet, nerd! She had 3 besties, Sara, Mandy, and Emberly. Little did anyone know Zoe had a secret, she was leading a double life.
Zoe was one of the smartest kids in school. Her favorite subject was science, even though she loved all of them. That was not all she loved to do. She had a secret, a secret that no one knew, not even her besties. I mean her mom knew, but that's about it!
One thing Zoe got teased about was how un-athletic she was, but something no one new was that she was a baseball star! Zoe played for a private school, so no one in her school would suspect. Something you're probably asking yourself is, "why did she need to keep it a secret?" Well I'm about to answer that, she was playing on an ALL BOYS TEAM!!!
Before she moved to Minnesota, she lived in Chicago, where she played on a girls baseball league. When she moved she was contacted by the Private Lincoln Academy and she was asked to be on the team. The coach said her batting averages and home run numbers were off the charts! She was so excited! The only thing was that they only had a boys team and Zoe wondered how that was going to work if she was the only girl. Then she came up the a brilliant plan! She was going to pretend to be a boy!
She talked to the baseball coach at PLA, Coach Harrison, and he agreed that that would work, but she would have to keep total cover! Zoe knew it was going to be easy because she was going to another school, for the learning part anyway. With the people that knew her from school out of the way Zoe had to keep her cover on the field. All she had to do was pull her hair up and leave before the boys on the team changed in the dressing room!
So with that out of the way Zoe was ready to lead on her secret life as a Secret Slugger!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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