one | fireboy

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Striding into the Academy with confidence, I felt the eyes of the many students who crowded the hallways. They were sizing me up, trying to figure out what kind of power I had and just how good I was at it. I could just make out snippets of conversation, whispers saying "She's definitely too innocent looking to be..." "...well she's definitely not better than me." "...she even have any powers?".

Their rash comments made me eager to get somewhere I couldn't hear them and preferably out of their line of sight.

Following my instincts, I turned right at the intersecting hallway, resulting with my face smacking into someone's chest.

"I am so sorry for tha-," Halfway through my apology, I heard the soft chuckling of the guy I'd just ran into.

"If you wanted some, all you had to do was ask babe." a deep male voice responded.

Of course my first encounter was going to be with a complete douche.

"Yeah, right." I replied, rolling my eyes as I walked away. Before I could, an ice cold hand grabbed onto my upper arm, almost instantly freezing the skin there. I hissed at the sudden coldness on my arm, meeting the boy's eyes.

"Might want to watch it around here. After all, this is a school of freaks." his lips turned up into a smirk as his stony eyes locked onto mine.

Remaining focused on his eyes, I reached out to gain control of his mind and ordered him to let go of my arm. Immediately, the frigid hand released my captive arm and the ice melted away from my skin.

"I completely agree." I answered, a dark smirk now forming on my face as I turned and left him utterly confused.

Realizing now that I wasn't starting off my first day of school with any great first impressions, I wanted to be alone to regroup. Walking mindlessly through less crowded hallways, I felt myself being tugged toward a set of open doors on the left side.

Glancing briefly into the room, with its high ceilings and folded-up bleachers, I imagined it was a gymnasium. When I advanced further into the room, a dizzying warmth invited me to stay.

I peeled my eyes across the glossy gym floor only to find a single shirtless boy angrily spewing fire from his hands. While this moment felt like a personal one, I couldn't help but watch as the fire cascaded from his palms gracefully, blazing the air around him. My eyes took in his figure next, raking over the scars that gleaned his extremely fit body. How did he get those scars, I wondered.

Too busy taking in his exquisite appearance, I froze when I heard the soft tone of his voice.

"Mason, didn't I tell you that I want to be alone?," his head shook with laughter as he slowly turned around, "What is it with you and not listen-," the rest of the sentence caught in his throat as he realized I wasn't Mason.

While I desperately wanted to explain myself and what I was doing here, my brain seemed to melt into a pile of mush and all coherent thoughts flew out of my head as I stared at the boy's face. My heart picked up speed, racing erratically in my chest and thumping with an intense desire.

Long, dirty blond hair covered the corner of his forehead and left eyebrow, framing the rest of his face. Wide eyes that seemed to change from blue to green took my figure in. Full, pink lips moved ever so slightly as if he meant to say something, but nothing came out. Everything about this boy felt familiar, yet new, like I was reliving a fond memory.

The loud and sudden blare of the school bell finally shook me from my trance.

My eyes widened in embarrassment as I remembered that I was the one caught staring at this beautiful boy and I could feel my cheeks turn a deep shade of red, "Oh-I-uh, sorry for interrupting. I just-your powers are-I haven't seen a pyrokinesian up close and I'll-I'll leave you to it."

I turned around, attempting a quick escape from this awkward situation, one that wouldn't cause me any further embarrassment.

When I heard the boy's voice call out to me, sounding like a sweet melody to my ears, I stopped to listen.

"Hey, I-uh-I never caught your name." he called, his voice echoing through the empty gym.

The embarrassment that took up my face only a moment before faded to a small smile after hearing that he only wanted to know my name after this whole strange encounter.

"It's Emira." I responded, turning back and flashing him the small smile that had found it's home on my face.

He repeated my name, trying out the word on his lips until it had fit. "Well, I hope I see you again Emira." and I watched as his mouth formed a smile of his own.

Stepping foot outside the gym, my thoughts brightened a little: I made one good first impression today.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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