Take Me, Jotaro.

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Josuke sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck softly as the final bell of the school day rang. The day had seemed to crawl by, minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days, having the young male drag through the day. He ignored the talk around him, girls trying to grab at his attention as he walked out of the school doors and to the pathway. Both Koichi and Okuyasu stayed after for clubs and meetings, something Josuke had never really put thought into doing, but always left him with days of no one to talk to. As he walked he looked around, taking a deep breath and smiling softly, it was nice out, nearing summer so the air was warm and the trees were green. He could go straight home, but his mother was working late and it would just leave him playing video games all day, his mother would get on him about that just like she had done in the past.

He didn't realize how far he had actually walked until he looked up, noticing he was on the street of his Nephews hotel. He shrugged, making his way inside the larger building and waking his way to the elevator, pressing the number of Jotaros room. Jotaro had given him a key a while back in case of emergencys, though Josuke used it for his own wants and reasons. Making his way to the door he slipped the key in the door and walked in slowly, being a bit shocked when he heard the other snoring.

Josuke had came in plenty of times when the older male was sleeping, but the sound of the intrusion had usually woke him up. This time he seemed out of it, he must have been pretty tired from his work here. Josuke walked closer to the bed, Jotaro was sprawled out on his back, still fully clothed.

Josuke couldn't help but to stare, it was so odd seeing the other so relaxed. His normally heavy expression was calm, and peaceful, and his body relaxed instead of being on guard. The teen watched as the mans chest rose and fell slowly, soft snores escaping his mouth. Letting his eyes wander over Jotaros body he couldn't help but notice how part of the others stomach was revealed, causing a warmth to rush to Josukes face.

Josuke had never really been one to find females attractive, but males? He had never really thought about it before. Looking over Jotaro he couldn't help but realize how handsome the other really was, causing his face to be deepened with a blush.

The young teen almost jumped when he heard the other groan, shifting slightly in his sleep. Was Jotaro having a nightmare? He watched carefully as the others breathing picked up, but only slightly. Scanning downward he noticed the others hands were placed onto his thighs. Following the others hands he couldn't help but notice the bulge in the mans pants, he wasn't having a nightmare, but definitely something a lot more pleasant.

Josuke couldn't move his eyes away from the tent in the others pants, it sent a rush of adrenaline through his body and he wasn't sure why. He only looked away when he heard the other moan softly in his sleep once more. Jotaros sounds were still deep and matched his attitude, but the rouged sounds of the man set Josuke off.

Josuke shifted slightly, his own member stirring to life and pressing firmly against his pants. Why was Jotaro, of all people making him feel this way? His eyes wandered down once more, he wanted to reach out and touch the other, but the thought of him waking up and catching him in the act was all to real.

Jotaro moved his hips up slightly, giving another, but slightly louder sound than before. Josuke was lost in thought of the other, if he were on his side he could lay next to him and press his rear into the others clothed cock without much noise, but Jotaro was laying on his back, and crawling on top of him would wake him up too easily. Josuke took a deep breath, reaching his hand out slowly, hesitating for a moment before placing it over top of the bulge in the older mans pants.

Josuke left his hand there still, being sure the other wasn't going to wake up before moving to his belt. He carefully unhooked the top belt, glancing back up nervously to make sure he was still asleep. He took a deep breath, holding it as he undid the bottom belt and unbuttoned his pants. He let the breath out slowly as he unzipped the pants of the other. His eyes wandered over the lower region of the man, skin showing only slightly through the slit in his boxers, pushed upward from Jotaros erection.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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