The Project Must Go On

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"Doctor Lee, we've made a breakthrough!" Doctor Rey yelled.

 "What do you mean?" Doctor Lee asked as she strolled in.

"I said what I meant: the chemical doesn't work on animals. That's why every time we tested it, it failed."

"So you're saying we need to test this on humans? There's no way we can tell they'll live..." She looked down.

She was right; there was no way to tell if they would live... "We have to take that chance! Think about all the lives we could save!"

"But at what cost? Who's going to die for this? What if it doesn't even work!" She started to raise her voice. 

"I have a local deal with a small orphanage. They've offered to... lend us some children. No one would even notice that they're missing."

She stared at him, seconds passing in dead silence. "So you're saying," Lee began. "That you would use children, babies even, as guinea pigs?"

Rey pressed his thin lips into an even thinner line, his gaze dropping to the metal grating floor. Yes, perhaps it was cruel. But the benefits could be world-changing.

She sighed deeply. "I'm out."

He blinked. She couldn't leave. Doctor Lee was imperative to this project. But how could he convince her to stay? Rey opened his mouth, then shut it.

Lee left the room before he could utter a word.

He shook his head. Whether they had Doctor Lee or not, the project would continue. "So be it."

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