Donating Blood

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     David checks his calendar, "April 13th... Time to donate blood again." He takes a breath and goes over to the Mess Hall, where Gwen is currently supervising the camp. Last time went okay, but he was still a bit scared, this time he wanted to have some company to keep him calm.  He opens the doors and walks over to Gwen with a smile. "Good afternoon, Gwen!" 

     Gwen looks at him, "Good afternoon, David." Standing by Gwen now, he decides to ask. 

     "I'm going to donate blood today and I was wondering if you could come along with me. Last time I went by myself, please." David clasps his hands together and looks at her with his best puppy dog face. He really wanted her to join him this time, and he wasn't about to leave without her.

     "Why do you need me to come with you? You just said that you went by yourself last time, and you're just fine. I'm sure you'll be just fine on your own once more. Someone's got to watch these little shits anyways." Gwen responds, at the end she frowned and looked back at the campers. 

     David looks over at the campers as well, they were tired from yesterday's adventure and were quieter today than they usually were. 

     The two of them had taken all the campers on quite the hike yesterday. Nikki would run off and they'd have to go off course to find her, but other than that everything was pretty good. Sometimes there'd be grumbles of irritation, but David ignored it and told stories as they walked. 

     He looks over at Gwen, "We can have the Quartermaster watch over them. They'll all be fine with him."

     She sighs, "Yes. The kids tying him to a chair and throwing food was them being fine and under control." He cringes a bit and hisses through his teeth as if he was kicked right where it hurts. "I guess since they're tired they won't try to do anything extreme like that anytime soon today.."

     Suddenly David grabbed her shoulders smiling nervously, "So that means you'll come with me?" Gwen nods, looking a bit irritated. David jumps up and pumps his fist in the air. "Yes! Well, we have to get going then!" He grabs Gwen's hand and runs out of the Mess Hall towards the car.

     David got in the driver's seat while Gwen took passenger. "I'm.. glad you could be with me, Gwen. While I'm not afraid of nature in the slightest, I do have a small fear of needles.. so... thanks." He said softly as he started up the car and drove out of the parking space. She wouldn't admit it, but Gwen smiled a bit when he admitted to a fear like that. At first, she wasn't too keen on joining him, if at all. Suspecting his reason though made her join him, and she felt happy at the thought of being able to help him, and not with the campers but for himself.

     The ride to the place wasn't quiet or loud, just mostly calm and collected. David telling old stories, and Gwen calming him as they drove into the parking lot. He parks the car and walks out of the vehicle with Gwen close by his side as they enter the building.

     The building looks like a normal hospital, but smaller. David goes up to the front desk to sign in for his appointment and fill out some paperwork as his CBFL takes a seat in the waiting room.

     "Alright David, you'll be called back soon. Please, take a seat 'till then sir." The lady at the desk says politely.
     David nods and goes to the waiting room, sitting next to Gwen he suddenly holds her hand. She looks over at him and softly smiles, "You'll be alright David. I'll be here for you, and I promise nothing bad will happen to you. It's just a little pinch and it's all over, okay?" She rubs his hand with her thumb as they hold hands. "I'm here for you, Davey.. Take a deep breath, don't forget to breathe." she rests her forehead on his shoulder, doing her best to keep him calm. Upon hearing him take a deep breath and seeing his chest move more calmly, she knows he's calming down already.

Donating Blood a Gwenvid FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now