01. Baby Girl

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"Seura, for god's sake, don't forget your lunch!" I heard mom yelling as I rushed through the door.

"No time mama, I'm late!" I yelled back slamming the door right behind me.

Actually, I wasn't nowhere near being late. I had plenty of time, if I wished I could have walked to school instead of taking the bus, but decided on waiting for it to arrive. However I would have come up with any possible excuse just so I didn't have to take my lunch with me. I knew that when I'll get hungry those sandwiches will seem too delicious to resist and with that thought voices from the past started echoing in my head.

'Hey Seura, have you seen Somin? Or did you eat her?', 'Look at that fatty, Im surprised she even fit through the door', 'Human cushion', all sort of hurtful comments were thrown my way. I tugged on my sleeve pulling it down to hide my wrists. It still was weird seeing all the bones popping out nicely. They seemed...like someone else's body parts.

A bus stopped in front of me almost splashing the dirty mud puddle on my uniform, I took a step back letting the people out, some of them gave me a sideways glance and walked away. I was left standing with a door open before me and a driver waiting for me to hop in, but I couldn't move. They're staring. I should have gotten used to it by now. To looks, to whispers, to loud comments.

"Hey, Bella," the driver whistled at me making shivers run down my spine, I quickly looked around trying to find the girl he was talking to. There was only me there, and he was looking at me. "Are you going to take the bus today or not? I got a schedule you know, young lady."

That seemed to have snapped me out of the trans I was in. I paid him for the ticket and immediately went to sit down in the back where I would usually be hiding. He just shrugged while checking the mirror and closed the door.

The ride wasn't bumpy, I tried not to show surprise even though almost no one was in the bus with me anyways. Only a couple old ladies would get in and get off a few stops later, always with grocery bags, always chatty, always with a smile on their faces. That was new for me too. Clean beautiful streets, tall shiny buildings, nice smiling people. I stared at the window the whole ride for the first time in my life appreciating the fact that I lived much further away from the school than most of other students.

I wasn't used to all of this. Having lived in a supposed countryside where you could find some sort of factory on every corner of every street, where people never smiled and the brightest color you could see was grey, this seemed stunning to me.

I subconsciously ran fingers down my red uniform skirt, it was also new and so petty. For the first time in my life I didn't have to wear my sister's old uniform, they would always be worn out and uncomfortably small for me. I smiled. I smiled out of pure happiness. This was a new start I kept hearing dad talking about.

Suddenly the bus stop letting out a loud squeak and I almost bumped my head on the seat in front. I glanced outside to maybe see what was going on and why was the man behind the wheel trying to kill me with his inconsiderate driving.

All I saw was a guy waiting for the bus's doors to open for him. He had a grey sports jacket on his shoulders and its hood covering most of his face. A bag was hanging low from one of his hands where an almost ripped handle tried to keep it from falling on the ground. His pants however were the same color as my skirt and did not remind me of a sport gear. That did seem like part of the uniform. My heart fluttered thinking of the first schoolmate I'll possibly meet. Thinking of all the rude and mean comments he's gonna make about me.

Stepping into a vehicle he seemed calm, almost carless. I understood that I was overdramatizing what was a simple every day action for him. He reached out his hand to pay for the ticket and the driver shook his head while handing the guy his ticket. I could see the driver's lips moving as he spoke to the boy, his only response was a slight nod.

The door closed, the bus started moving and the guy turned around looking for where to sit down. His eyes stopped by me at the back. I gulped just then realizing I was intensely staring at him this whole time and now he noticed that. Quickly looking away I still managed to catch, with a corner of my eye, how his tall figure was moving towards me. My heartbeat increased to insane speed as he threw his bag into the seat beside me and sat down himself.

I couldn't be any more obvious, trying not to turn to him, I was sweating so badly that I couldn't even see the scenery through the window, I just stared pretending not to care that he was even there. It was hard not to acknowledge his presence though, the strong smell of the cologne he was wearing hit me almost as soon as he reached the last row and now it was tickling my nose.

"You're in my seat" his voice was so deep and soothing, but still like an idiot I grabbed my bag and stood up so fast that my head started spinning and the driver glanced back to check on me.

The guy grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back to the seat. I didn't even hear what he said to be honest, I was just so scared he was going to make fun of me that I tried to leave without listening. After all, we were all alone in the bus and he did sit right by me even when he could choose from all these seats.

"Relax," this time I heard what he said "I don't mind a pretty girl sitting there" I realized it was all about the seat "just next time, remember that it's mine," he smirked at me flashing his gorgonės brown eyes "or if you want it so bad, then I guess we'll have to share it," he ended his short speech by patting his lap.

"What?" that was the best response my brain could spit out at the moment. I'm not kidding.

Which of the boys do YOU think it is? the one who guesses it right will win a special featuring in the story.

If you love cheesy high school drama and boys fighting over a girl's heart then tag your friends to let them know about the book!

- Brie

::Follow me on  instagram at ebriething

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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