Nightmare Place

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{Isaac's POV}

I held the crossbow and was in a darker part of the room as Jordan said the outro

"And we will see you, next ti-AH!" His character fell down and the Death count appeared at the top-right of the screen, once Jordan had did the salute and logged off he had walked into the computer room that me and Bethany were in

"Do you always have to shoot me with the crossbow?" He glared

"Of course! Problem?" Bethany laughed softly and I smiled as if I didn't do anything


"Ok then!" I got up "I'm starving!" I walked out of the room with Bethany and Jordan behind me. I headed towards the kitchen until I heard a scream, I turned to my siblings behind me just to see no one actually there anymore

"Uh, Jordan? Bethany?" The house seemed so quiet during that time that it was easy to make it clear that no one else was home. I searched frantically for anybody, I ran into Cierra and Bethany's room and there, sitting on the bed, had been a young girl with dark brown hair put up in a little ponytail and a purple jacket with a light pink skirt

"Billy...?" She turned to me


How is she here?!

"BILLY!" She smiled, her brown eyes turned to a dark amber. I stared at her and the next thing I knew, I was in a solid black world, screaming, crying and laughing could be heard throughout the entire place, but over all that I heard,

"WELCOME TO THE NIGHTMARE PLACE!" I screamed as the high pitched notes hurt my ears.

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