Ask the creepypast's part 1

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Hello my name is Hope but you can call me Crimson! today you guys will be asking the Pasta's some questions. Some will get answered some will not I will try to answer as many as I can though so lets get on with the show!!!

for jeff: why did you let bullies get to you and where the fuck did Randy get a gun!

jeff: um well people can get into your thoughts sometimes and mess around with you, you know what I mean. and Randy's a douche and idk where the fuck he got the gun.

Liu: Randy is a douche

for silver: why are you so shy I really think your cute but I need to know

sliver: I-i d-don't k-k-know I think I-i was j-just born that w-way

me: adorable!

sonic:* mumbles * and that's why you won't get laid

Red: fucking excuse me he will get laid... someday

silver: f-fuck you g-guys

me: see he will get laid me just have to wait for the fangirls

for Sonic: why are you an ass all the time

sonic: idk just acting like your mom

me: *laughing my ass off* *stops* wait thats not funny

LJ: hahaha yes it is

Red: everyone here is an ass except slender, Hoodie, and sliver... Hoodie and Sliver are to  innocent

well that it for today guys but leave down bellow what questions you have for the... wait for it... Pasta's!

From my sister frost

Frost: *pets Jeff's head* hi

Jeff: ummm hi *pushes away*

frost: l.j why are you a clown I mean you could have been anything so you just say one day 'I'm gonna be a clown'

l.j: *is quiet*

frost: one more question for my beloved sister

me: oh boy

frost: are you really this weird your were you born with it

me: *stares at her like 'bitch please'* I was born with it

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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