The Merciless Sea

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It started out as a warm, summer day. So Adam decided to go out to the wilderness and explore the seas. His crew quickly agreed due to the fact that it was a very decent weather. They got in their ships and went northwest. 

But soon, the skies started going darker... and darker. Then suddenly, a storm approached. 

His men panicked. Harsh winds blew and cruel waves slammed against the ship. They were afraid. Adam tried to keep them calm, but then a huge, unforgiving wave hit the ship.This impact caused Adam to go off-balance, hit his head, and got knocked out unconscious. 

When Adam finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was this woman lying on top of him. He first felt uncomfortable and weird, but a sense of arousal filled his emotions.Adam tried to wake her up. 

"H-hey. Hey!" He said.

The woman woke up.

 "Oh, you're awake". 

Adam felt really weird.

"Y-yeah, I'm awake! Could you get off me, please?" He asked. 

The woman felt embarrassed and quickly got off. 

"Who are you? And where am I?" are the words that first came out of his mouth. 

The woman smiled. And with a soothing voice, she answered:

"My name is Yuru, Azamuku Yuru. I saw you lying on the coast, so I decided to bring you in". 

Adam asked Yuru about his comrades but she denied on seeing them. Adam was confused, but soon thought about them being okay and just exploring this.. place. 

Adam asked again where this place is. Yuru made a serious face,and then went back to smiling. 

"Do you want to leave this place?"She asked. 

It was at this point that Adam knew something was wrong. 

He looked at Yuru, stood up, and left. 

As soon as he left, Yuru dropped her smile, stood up, and followed him. 

Adam was shocked on what he saw.

A place as red as blood and as hot as the sun.

"What is this? Where is this? Is this hell?!" He loudly asked.

Suddenly, an evil laugh can be heard in the distance. A laugh perfected only by demons and the ones who thought of themselves as demons.

Adam looked behind him. His eyed widened. 

It was Yuru.

"Ohohohohoh! You fool! You didn't even know what happened! Ohohohoh!" she said in a devilish, mocking manner.

Confused, Adam asked:

"W-Who..? W-what happened to me?".

"Apate! The Deity of Deception! And you, foolish one, we're tricked by me! You thought you we're still alive?? Ha! Hate to break it to you but you already died!"  Yuru replied.

Odysseus was shocked when he heard this. Then memories started to come back.


The storm approached. Violent winds and unforgiving currents rocked the ship. Then, a merciless wave hit the side of the ship. Adam got caught off balance and went unconscious. Apparently when Adam was still unconscious, water started rushing inside the ship. The crew tried to get out but a wooden post was blocking the way. All they could do now was pray. A lot of water poured in the room, and yet they still can't leave. They died one-by-one, and Adam still had no clue. 

After seeing this, Adam felt depressed. Suddenly, the floor opened beneath him and he fell. He closed his eyes. When he opened it again,he was being ferried by a young lady with long black hair, crimson red eyes at a floral dress. 

"Where are we going?" 

He asked. The lady ignored him as she continued ferrying him towards an arc. When they were about to pass through, the lady finally spoke:

"I consign this grievance to hell..."


or is it?

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