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Bethany Greene woke up in a bed. Like, a real bed. She felt a stiff pillow under her head and covers pulled up to about her waist. The melodic ticking of a clock sounded in her ears and her eyelids fluttered open. She was immediately met with a pair of jade green eyes, belonging to a girl with mid-neck length, shaggy brown hair, who looked similar in age to her. The girl was wearing plain blue scrubs and black converse, and her hand was outreached towards Beth. Beth bolted upright, preparing to defend herself.

"Hey, hi it's okay, you're okay." the girl said, turning to look at the door as if making sure they were still alone.

"Where am I... Who are you?" Beth demanded in her southern drawl. The girl glanced at the door again and then put her finger to her lips.

"My name's Cordy... Cordelia Winchester. Whatever. You're at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta... Or what's left of it." Cordy responded. Beth still looked on edge. "Look, I'll answer whatever questions you have... later. I'm technically not even supposed to be in here so I'm gonna make this quick. The only person you can actually trust here is me. Everyone else is-" She stopped short, her eyes widening. "They're coming. We'll talk later."

And with that, Cordy slipped out the door and was gone, and Beth was left bewildered, scared and confused.

A few seconds later, the door opened again. Beth stood up hastily as a police woman and a male doctor walked in.

"Everything's okay. Okay? I'm Doctor Steven Edwards. This is officer Dawn Lerner. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"How did I get here?" Beth asked. The last thing she remembered was narrowly escaping a cabin full of walkers with Daryl.

"My officers found you on the side of the road surrounded by rotters." Dawn replied.

"Your wrist was fractured and you sustained a superficial head wound." Doctor Edwards added, solemnly. "Can you remember your name?"

"Beth." She said, looking down. She realized Daryl was nowhere in sight. "The man I was with, is he here too?"

"You were alone." Dawn responded. "If we hadn't saved you, you'd be one of them right now."

Shit. Beth thought. Then she shook her head. No. Daryl was alive. He had to be.

Dawn took a breath and continued. "So that means you owe us."

Beth's brow furrowed in skepticism. Judging by what that girl Cordy had said, the fact that "she owed them" couldn't be a good thing.

all i see is gold // spn twd crossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora