Wedding Bells

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Astride POV
"Hiccup, do you hear that? " I ask

"yes but what was that"

"I don't know but let's go check it out" I say sounding excited

"Astrid I don't know if I like this idea"

" Even if it is bad we have our dragons, right girl. *pats side*

[Storm Fly makes a reassuring noise.]

"Fine, come on bud lets go."

Hiccup and Astrid slowly make their way into the cave where the noise was coming from... Astrid wakes up from the nightmare. Hiccup an toothless where sitting awake next to her as they slowly roasted their fish on the fire. The dragon eye lay next to hiccup as he skeptically looked into the air.

"what happened."

"what happened to what" Hiccup said in a sleepy voice.

"I meant to say what time is it."

"it's 6:24... in the morning" " by the way you talk in your sleep"

I felt so embarrassed, I just wanted to scream. To think that hiccup heard all of my dream.

"it is ok, babe, I didn't hear much."

Hiccup stood up and kissed me on the forehead, His lips were warm and felt nice on my forehead. It warmed my body and I didn't want it to stop do I grabbed his head and just kissed him on the lips.


"whoa what" I said hoping he didn't hate it.

"why did you just do that"

" because I love you" I said with a smile

there was an awkward silence then Hiccup said

"I love you too"

"we have to go, " I said with a kind of skippy do da attitude.


"Dagger told us to be back before the day of the wedding."

"oh yeah I totally forgot about the wedding"

Hiccups POV

OMG I just kissed Astrid. I know I have to give her my betroggle gift. Hiccup slowly pulled out a necklace with my mother's old betroggle gift... but how. At the wedding I thought about it and it was perfect I will give it to her after the ceremony. I was so happy for Dagger, he was marrying Mala. There pretty cute couple I giggle a little and think love a first fight.

"Babe what are you laughing at" Astrid asks with a smile.
"Oh nothing I was just thinking that Mala and Dagger fell in love at first fight."

"OMG that's so cheesy" Astrid said laughing.

"I'm sorry I'm just naturally cheesy" I said in a child's voice kinda doing puppy dog eyes.

"Don't make those eyes and anyways I like cheesy"

"Okay" I said in manly voice.
Astrid's POV

I'm so happy, to think that a guy we all hated now has invited us to his wedding. I'm also happy cause I get to see many of my best friends in the whole world Heather, Emily, Chelsea, Hailey, Bailey, and Ruffnut.

"Hey Hicc how's your leg" I ask in a concerned voiced.
"Oh I'm fine" he said with a sigh

"Okay" I said in a sceptically.

"Okay let's go" he said getting up using Toothless trying to stay off his leg"

"Be carful Gothi said to stay off the leg until the surgery band gets taken of tomorrow morning" I said kinda sounding like his mom.

"Okay I know mom" he said with a grin.

"Oh don't you give me attitude" I said punching him in the side of the arm.

"Owe that's gonna bruise." He said rubbing his arm.

"Oh don't be a wuss" I said looking at him with a glare like suck it up.

"Okay okay now let's go" he said

When we got to defenders of the wing island it was beautiful. All besirkians and defenders we're there all dressed up in there finest clothes. Then I spotted them my besties. I landed Storm fly jumped off of her and ran as they ran towards me and we all meet together landing in a big hug.
"OMG I missed you guys soooooooooo much guys" I say well Hugging them tightly and wiping a tear away.
Ruffs POV
"Well Astrid you could of waited to go see Hiccup you didn't need to leave us." I said holding my pop so u wouldn't spill as I wiped a way a tear.
"Well I wanted to see my boo after the surgery I wanted to make sure he was okay K" Astrid said looking at me like always like she saying I'm stupid.
Baileys POV
Its so nice to see Astrid again she missed out on a lot of fun. We walked to our seats and we all sat down Astrid sat next my twin and Hiccup then it was me then ruff then Emily then Chelsea but for some reason neither Fishlegs or Heather were here. All of us were a big friend group who hung out at school we were all in the 11th grade so we graduate in a year so we're all pumped.
Astrid's POV
It felt nice to have hiccups arm around me I felt safe like I was in a protective bubble then al of a sudden i see the person I was waiting for my best friend Heather. She runs to me crying with happiness we hadn't seen each other in a year cause she went on a trip with fish legs and his family to learn more about the dragon eye. I stand up and run to hugging her so tight she squeals .
"Um Astrid" she says with a smile and the music starts as every one stands up and Mala walks down the hall. And we run laughing to get to our seats.
Daggers POV
Man she looks beautiful I can't believe my eyes. She looks like an angel an aggressive one.
"Man you look good" I said.
"Awe thanks but don't become soft my handsome Dagger" she said kissing me on the cheek.
"I got to go find my brother before we leave I'll be back" I said kissing her on the forehead.
"Okay my dagger" she said with a smile.
Hiccups POV
"Hey babe follow me" I said as I grabbed Astrid's hand and pulled her to a little hidden cliff I found.
"Wow this is beautiful" she said as she rested here head on my chest.
"Um Astrid we have been together for at least a year and I think it's time to give you this." I kneel down and I grab the necklace out from my pocket and put it on her neck being careful not to catch any of her hair.
"OMG" she said as she grabbed my neck and kissed me passionately.
I kiss back grabbing her waist and then I hear some thing in the forest I pushed Astrid behind me and then Dagger pops out.
" OMG you scared me" I said with relief that it was just Dagger.
"Sorry brother um I just want to say that I will miss you well I'm away but I need you to watch Heather well I'm gone her stalkers out of prison and I don't want Viggo to find her okay"
"Okay" I say as I nod my head.
"stalker" Astrid asks as Dagger walks away.
"Long story" I say as we sit down and I begin to tell the rest of the story.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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