Part One: The Girl

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{Edited Version, 2015}

John Winchester was thrown off by the smoke in the distance, and the orange, glowing hue in the sky. He was on the coat tails of Yellow Eyes, but his curiosity was just too much to pass up... What if it was another house fire caused by the demon? What if he was still there?

It was a house fire all right, but that wasn't the only thing he found when he pulled up. There was a girl on the front lawn staring at the house in flames. She seemed in shock, her features pale and her expression was a blank canvas. As John approached with caution, more of her features came into view. She was pretty-- the innocent kind of pretty that his son, Sam, would go for. Her hair was a mess of chocolate brown waves, slung over her left shoulder and her eyes were wide, hazel in color-- like a doe in headlights.

"Christo," John muttered under his breath.

The girl didn't budge, not even her lids spared a blink.

"Are you all right?"

She did not respond, she only stared deeply into the fire and a tear fell from her eye, paving through the ash on her cheeks. Even her white sundress was stained with charcoal, the skirt of the fabric burned and frayed.

John slowly knelt in front of her, and even reluctantly touched her arms with his hands. He scrutinized her face despite her lack of eye contact. She looked terrified, upset.

"Hey," he said again, his tone placed more gently than he'd ever remembered. "My name's John Winchester. If you'll just tell me what happened, I can help you. What's you're name, sweetheart?"

The girl trembled and another tear slipped her eye, "S-Sophie..."

"Sophie... That's a start. What happened, Sophie?"

"I-I don't.... My... mother? She was i-inside..."

"Your mother?" John's grip on her arms tightened urgently, "Was she on the ceiling?"

Her eyes strayed down to him, her face soaked and chin quivering, "Please, help me."

John's eyes widened as she fell limp into his arms, unconcious.

Siren's began wailing in the distance and John only lingered a second longer to look at the house, the flames growing larger by the second. He looked back at the girl and hoisted her body against his chest. He quickly carried her to the truck and placed her in the passenger seat.

The truck's engined roared and the tires screeched as John took off. He had a hunch this girl and the house fire was connected to Yellow Eyes, but he had to be sure. He would take the girl to his sons, let them watch over her until he could continue to hunt the demon down. John's sons would be able to figure out this girl's story in his stead.

Sophie was still passed out in the passenger seat when John pulled into the motel parking lot. He'd only been reunited with his sons a few days ago, and coming back shortly after leaving, especially with a strange girl in his arms would be a sight to see. No doubt Sam would immediately pressure him with questions, while Dean would be more likely to follow without a second thought. Thank God the girl was pretty.

John trudged toward the motel door with the girl in his arms and knocked on the door. He was slightly disappointed that Sam had answered the door, "Dad?" He looked at the girl, brows furrowed. "What the hell?"

"Hello again, Sammy," John greeted, pushing passed him.

Dean jolted from the sofa, his face contorted quizzically, "What happened? Who is she?"

**Without Grace** Supernatural Fanfiction: Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon