Part 1- An unexpected detour

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After four months of reparations, Verana was back in working order, again. The army was also rested and well supplied, and morale was high. It wasn't long before the knight army was ready to invade Blunder. Authorised by the queen, Xavier and Shade were to lead the fleet on their own ship as they approached the nation in which their greatest enemy and former friend resided.

"It's such a shame... he just had to join the Vikings, didn't he? He fought for you so well from what you told me, but now he's too caught up in his new life to recognise all he lost."
Shade said as the army prepared to board their respective ships.
"It is. He was a good bounty hunter. Well, as good as a bounty hunter can be."
Shade chuckled at that.
"But he was polite, valiant to an extent, and a pleasure to fight alongside. All values that he rejects now."
Xavier replied.
"Now he wants us dead for killing his mate,"
Shade added.
"Even though we were only trying to save Ryan."
Xavier shook his head.
"It's not for us to dwell on now. The army is waiting. We should get a move on."
He replied.

Out at sea, the water was at unrest, a storm causing high winds and vicious waves to obstruct the knights' view and sense of direction.
"Are we even going he right way anymore?!"
Shade shouted over the noise generated by the storm.
"I don't know! I think so!"
Xavier shouted back. The ships behind were managing to keep up, considering they had crews on board to guide the ship. Xavier and Shade only had themselves.

A few more minutes of intense sailing passed, and the two strained to keep the ship afloat. The pair were both soaked through, but that was the least of their worries. With no land in sight, there was a sense of urgency about the operation. What happened next all but sealed their fate. Shade looked upon it, ears lowered.
"Xavier... I think this is it."
A gargantuan wave loomed over them, rushing toward them as it did. There was no way the ship could avoid it.
"We're going overboard! Brace yourself!"
Xavier told Shade, who already had his weapon on his back, ready. As the wave crashed down on the ship, the two were swept away in the vast ocean as the following ships could only watch.

An unknown amount of time later, Xavier groaned, feeling drained. After laying on the beach for what felt like several hours, he finally raised his gaze to the sight in front of him. After adjusting to the sunlight, he saw his sword just in front of him. At this stage, he was too weak to grab it, which was a shame, considering that a Braixen, similar looking to the queen, was slowly approaching him, buckler and spear raised. He could only look back in a subtle state of admiration. Even though he had no interest in love at this given moment in time, he couldn't help but notice her grace and beauty as he approached him with intentions only known to herself. He could tell she was female as her size showed- males were usually slightly taller. So, he lay on foreign sand, a complete stranger approaching him with weapons at the ready. At least, she was. When she got within her spear's reaching distance of him, she stopped. She appeared to be examining him, looking for any signs of a threat. He found it a little cute for reasons he didn't want to come to terms with. After a moment, she stood straight up, her ears raising from their previous lowered state and her bushy tail flicking to the side, almost as if she wasn't scared of him anymore. Throughout the encounter, she was yet to speak. Slowly, Xavier began to stand, first getting into his knees. As she saw signs of movement, she quickly regained her stance, unsure of what his intentions with her were. He slowly put his paws up, showing her he wasn't a threat before standing up. She seemed to relax a little, but kept still. He then picked up his sword, causing her to take a step back and let out a quiet, feeble growl. He returned it to his side, causing her to again relax.
"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."
He told her softly. He tried to reach out and touch her, but she seemed tense at the sudden attempt and pricked his paw with the tip of her spear.
"Ow! Okay, okay. No touching."
He replied, sucking the blood that began to leak from the small wound. It was then Xavier noticed; Shade wasn't there. He looked for him, but couldn't see him.
"Hey, you didn't see a Zoroark here, did you?"
Xavier asked. The Braixen shook her head, turning and beginning to walk toward the thick greenery that lay ahead. As she reached it, she motioned for Xavier to follow, which he did. With his sword at his side and his shield on his back, he could defend himself, if he needed to that was.

Meanwhile, Shade had a little more of a rude awakening. He had been woken up by a group of three Braixen, who roughly beat him when he tried to fight back. As with Xavier, they were also female. He was then restrained and his weapon was removed, and he was escorted into the forest ahead. With both Pokemon on a different land, they didn't know what to expect. They also didn't know about their army and if they had made it okay, or more importantly, where they were. Who greeted them? And why were they here? Did they live there? They had so many questions, and they needed answers. If they were to defeat the vikings, they would need a new ship and supplies. Whether they would be granted them however was another matter.

Hey guys! Part 3, finally here! Poor Shade, getting so roughly treated as a visitor to a new land. XD

A bit of a sticky situation for our heroes here. Where are they, and why are there only Braixen on the island? This and much more will be revealed very soon! Stay tuned for the next part, and I'll see you all later.

Imperials Vs Sentinels- Part 3- The battle for BlunderWhere stories live. Discover now