Part One

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Once upon a time in a place never seen before there was a young girl. Her eyes were a bright blue ocean and her hair was like finely strung copper, but she had an odd name for a girl so beautiful. Her name was Duck. Duck wanted nothing more than to be the very best at whatever would win her Prince's heart and that had always been dancing. Sadly, the girl had about as much grace as well... a duck. Tried as she did, and trust me she tried, she could not get any better. Or so she thought. One fateful day, while swimming in the lake near her home. Duck found a crimson pendant in the lake. The pendant glittered and sparkled, pulsating like a heart. Almost as if some one had shrunken the Blood Moon and placed on a sterling silver chain. She reached for the pendant, but soon became frozen and shivered with fear. Her hand had become the yellow-feathered wing of a duckling, but then she remembered. "Oh yeah. Since Myutho and Rue fell in love, Princess Tutu was no longer needed. So now I'm just a duck." " No young one, not a duck, but a girl trapped inside the body of a duck." A familiar voice called from an unknown place in the shadows. "Huh, who was that?!" "Would you like to be a girl again?" "D-Drosselmeyer?" She asked nervously as memories of a cruel, demented old man filled her mind. The voice chuckled. "Haha, so you do remember me. Wonderful!" "How could I forget you?" "Answer my question first little Duck. Would you like to be a girl again?" "Of course, I would lo-" Spectacular!" The voice interrupted. "All you need to do is go into another one of my stories!" "No way! They always end in trage-" " Oh silly Duck," The voice interrupted once more. "You thought you had a choice." "Then why would you ask?" "Just to be polite!" The voice snickered. "You truly are something," "Yes I am!" Drosselmeyer exclaimed suddenly appearing before her as the terribly wrinkled, unattractive, big-nosed old man that haunted her memories, scaring her into flight. "Not so fast," He said as invisible force caused Duck to plunk into the water in front of him like a stone before bobbing back to the surface. " You still need to learn your role. Have you heard the of 'The Black Cat'" He asked, his creepy and menacing mischievous grin slipping onto his unappealing face. "' The Black Cat'?" Duck echoed curiously. " Yes, I'd tell you what happens in the story but that would ruin the surprise!" "Will you just cut to the chase old man!" Duck screeched, clearly annoyed. "As I'm sure you remember, Fakir failed to change you back and after a year of trying you sent him off to live his life without you?" "Yeah," Duck muttered sadly. "What about it?" "Well it's time for his story to start. You will be adopted by him and wife as a girl named Kitty. You're personality and behaviors will become more cat-like, as well as your appearance. Also," He added, using his old, gnarled fingers to gently pluck the pendant out of the water. "If you're not wearing this pendant or say meow, you will turn into a large, black cat and the only thing that can turn you back is retrieving the pendant and drinking warm milk." He continued, moving closer to Duck. "When you wake up, you will have no memory of this meeting, everything before this meeting, or ever being a duck. Farewell young Duck." And with that he draped the surprisingly light pendant around her neck and faded into the shadows as everything went black.


"KITTEN, WAKE UP!! KITTY TODAY'S THE DAY!!" And with that a rush of cold water attacked my face. "Ahh!" I yowled, instantly springing to my feet. My eyes met with two green cat-shaped eyes in the mirror. The person looking back at me was short, with pale skin and a childish, doll-like face despite the mature curves of her body. On top of her head was a dripping wet mop of raven black hair. Behind her was a sweet looking blond with aquamarine eyes and a girl with magenta hair, eyes to match, and a mischievous grin. "Pike! Lilie! Why would you do something like that?!" A high-pitched, non-threating voice hissed as I watched the girl in the mirror's pink lips move in time with my words. "Well," The magenta-haired girl started, moving closer with each word. "Lilie and I couldn't think of a different way to wake you, since you always sleep so soundly." She continued and placed a hand on the reflection's shoulder as I felt a warm sensation on my own. I turned to face Pike and mirror girl turned with me. 'Is that me? Why don't I remember looking like this before?' I think. "Hey guys, do I look different?" I ask casually. "Yeah, you look like a drowned cat!" Pike answered in a mocking tone. "And we caught you off-guard! You're so cute when you get all flustered!" The blonde squeals as she rushes over and hugs me with an iron grip that makes it impossible to breathe and nearly breaks my ribs. After about a minute of this smothering she finally releases and lets me collapse to the floor. I lie down here until I can breathe listening to the conversation going on above my head. "Oh, poor Kitty! Who could do such a thing?!" " It's your fault." "No way!" The pain in my midsection finally subsides, so I stand. "Anyway, why did you wake me?" I ask not bothering to hide my irritation. "You remember that nice couple that visited us last month?" A fuzzy memory of a young, happy, attractive couple playing with us flashes in my mind ' But is doesn't seem right,' I think. ' As if it doesn't belong to me or not real.' Still, I admit to remembrance. "Today is the day they come to adopt three girls and three boys!" Pike continued. "And-" "And they'll be here any minute!" Lilie interrupted, nearly trampling Pike to get closer to me. I open my mouth to reply but a knock came at the door. "Girls, some very good, and very important, news for all you." A man's singsong voice coos gently. "One moment!" I yell back. "They can't see me like this!" I silently scream yanking at my tangled hair and damp nightgown. I run to the dresser and grab as many articles of clothing as I can and then run to the closet and grab some shoes at random. "You need to stall them!" I hiss, running into the bathroom. "How?" "Think of something!" And with that I slam the bathroom door and lock it. Listening to the conversation occurring outside the door I start to attend to my hair. "Well hello girls." The singsong voice booms. "Good morning Mr.Cat," "Good morning Mr.Cat," "Good morning Pike, Lilie, Ki-. Ah, where's Kitten?' The wild mop was now trained into straight raven locks. I move on to select white over-the-knee socks and a red skirt that was just a bit too short, I also find a decent looking white sweater that had an embroidered red heart over my own and black Mary-Jane shoes from the pile. "Um, she went for a walk." The conversation continued as I pull on my clothes. "Strange, she never goes anywhere without asking," The voice stated as I start brushing my teeth. "That's because she didn't go anywhere!" "Then where is she?" "I'm right here!" I screech stumbling out the bathroom. I look up at the owner of the voice. 'You're kidding, right?' I think. ' Mr.Cat, is actually a cat. He sounds like a human, he even walks like a human, but he's just a giant tabby cat.' "Now what do you say?" "Good morning, Mr.Cat." 'Talk about some irony.' "Now that you're all here," Mr.Cat started. "I can give you all the good news. These nice people are here to adopt you all!" He said excitedly, stepping to the side with a dramatic and elegant flourish. A nice looking young couple stepped out from behind him. The lady has sea- foam green hair that was pulled masterfully into a strange yet pretty updo. She also has a blank royal purple stare and a seemingly painted on pink grin. All the bright colors stood out on her pale skin that matched mine. Her tall, very mature body made my figure look childishly slight in comparison. Her puppet-like beauty made it impossible not to stare. "My name is Edel," She said, after what felt like forever, her voice as blank and emotionless as her gaze. It was strangely comforting. "This is my husband, Fakir." I finally notice the man standing next to her and wonder why I hadn't before. He was even taller than she was and his eyes are the same color as mine. His hair matches mine too. He is tanned and muscular, like he works outside most of the time, or at least exercises a lot. He has a cold stare that softens when it lands on me. "What's that around your neck?" He asked, deep voice surprisingly calming and kind. I look down at what he is talking about and see a pale red pendant on a silver chain that resembled the Blood Moon. "It's her special little necklace," Pike answered for me."She came here with it and she never takes it off." "Do you know what kind of stone it is?" he asked, kneeling down to my height and staring me straight in the face. "Um, no sir." I said. He reaches out to grab my pendant and my instincts take over. I grab his wrist and use my free hand to grab the precious stone around my neck. "H-huh?" Fakir stutters trying to process the previous events. " I'm sorry," I begin releasing my gentle hold on his wrist. " Please don't touch it. It's very important to me." Fakir smiled and rumpled my hair. "I like you kid. And just call me Daddy." Then he stood and began walking towards the door. "Come on girls, we still have to pick up the others." Following him to the boy's dormitory, Ms.Edel grabbed my hand, looked down, and smiled at me. "Have you ever noticed that everything seems to be more beautiful under the full moon?" " What do you mean Ms.Edel?" "Looking at the world through the full moon's pure light causes it's true colors to be shown. Do you want watch the world with me tonight?" "Yes Ms.Edel!" "Please call me Mommy." And without another word she continued to hold my hand. We arrived at the boy's dormitory and my new brothers were lined up outside. I recognize Myutho instantly because of his silver hair and golden brown eyes that seemed to peer into your heart. Also because I felt a strange attachment to him. Next was Autor, the jerk. His blue-black hair was in the same annoying haircut it always was in. And then there was... Uzura? 'But isn't Uzura a girl?' I think. "Um, you do know that Uzura is a girl, right?" I alert them. "Yea, but she reminds me a lot of Edel and she's really sweet. Talkative, but sweet." 'Reminds him of Mommy?' But then I can see what he is talking about. Their hair, eyes, skin, and lips were all the same color, but they had two major differences. First, Uzura was four years old, and was considered quite small. Even for a toddler. Second, everything about Uzura was bursting with personality. Her eyes constantly sparkled like stars and voice was never void of emotion. Even the way she walked seemed playful and clumsy, much unlike Mommy's graceful and practiced marionette-style gait. "Well, I can see what you mean!" Pike agreed. "So are we going to go home with you today?" I ask Mommy and Daddy trying to change the subject because their resemblance was becoming eerie. "Of course, why would you not?" Daddy asked. "The orphanage is also a boarding school." Mr.Cat answered for me. "No, you're going to live with us in in Kinkan Town." Daddy said with a sense of finality. "Do you need to be acquainted with your new siblings or do you all know each other?" Mommy asked blankly. "Oh, believe me we know each other all too well," Autor said in his usual condescending tone. I open my mouth to curse at him but Myutho stops me. "Kitty, something's are better left unsaid." He says in a calming tone. Old memories of a trusted childhood friend flooded my mind so I listened. "Well, I guess the ride home is going to be long so we should get going. We'll be back for your things tomorrow." Daddy said walking ahead, obviously expecting us to follow. I fall into step next to Myutho. "Are you excited, about being adopted?" He asked in a nonchalant manner. "Of course I am!" "I'm kinda disappointed to be honest," "Why would you not be happy?" "Remember the promise I made when we were younger." I vaugely recall sitting under a tree with a young Myutho having a random conversation. "It's a little fuzzy." I admit, my voice tinged with a hint of shame. "I promised you that when we got older, if you couldn't find a husband, I would marry you." "Oh yeah," I say the blurry images in my mind becoming clear and concise as I entered the car.


"Hey there, Kitty," "Hi Myu-Myu!" "Can I sit with you?" "Sure!" My past self said, scooting over to make room under the shady tree. "Hey, can I ask you something Kitten?" "Yes. Anything." My past self said, getting worried because Myutho never called by her full name. "Do you think that you could ever fall in love with me?" "Yes." "And if I asked you to marry me, would you promise to never leave me?" "Yes." "Really?!" "Yes." "Then when we get older, if you don't find a husband, will you marry me?" "Yes, of course!" My past said while pulling Myutho in for a giant hug. Then she felt something warm and soft on cheek and realized he had kissed her. The memory fades away as they blush at each other in silence...


"Kitten wake up." I feel something gently tap on my shoulder and wake up to see that I'm leaning on Myutho. "What?" I say sleepily, struggling to get up. Myutho smiles warmly and whispers. "We're home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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