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reflection /noun/: the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image.


"Betty, you can't be serious."

"Watch me."

Getting up, she grabbed blankets from their chest and took a pillow from the bed.

"You're really going to do this?!" he called out, exasperated as she tossed him a look from over her shoulder.

Walking to the door, she called back curtly, "Yes."

He quickly went in front of the door and stopped her from leaving the room. "Betty, please. I'm sorry and I love you."

She pushed him against the frame and furiously walked down the stairs, not bothering him with a reply.

"Betty!" he called out, following her. This girl would be the death of him, he swore.

He watched her put the fluffy blankets on the couch of the living room and suddenly, it was too much for him. He went next to her and grabbed them, getting the white fabric from her hands. He heard, more than he saw, her gasping in surprise, and took this opportunity to run away with his loot in his hands. His bare feet hit the floor, thumping as he put as much distance as he could between himself and her, quickly being shortened by her running after him.

"Jughead! Come back here this instant!" she bellowed, and he only ran faster.


And just like that, they ran around the house, one purchasing the other and screaming for him to come back or he will regret this, and the other half laughing, half screaming, not giving up on his dear blankets.

He finally arrived in the bedroom, screeching to a halt and sprinting in. And before she could catch him, he quickly climbed on the bed and slipped under the covers, gripping them as if we would die if he didn't.

He watched her enter the room, obviously furious and incredibly red in the face. She was shaking, hands clenched at her sides and looking ready to kill someone. He swallowed, as the amusement drained out from him to be replaced with apprehension. This girl could be pretty crazy sometimes.

"Jughead," she panted. "I am not repeating this. Get out of here right now or else I'll-"

"You'll what?" he dared her, peeking out from his haven under the blanket, fully aware it was dangerous to challenge her while she was like this if he wanted to live old.

She opened her mouth as if searching for an answer but quickly closed it, and instead threw herself at him. At first he thought she was going to kiss him or something like that (and he would have welcomed her with open arms), but he realized pretty fast it was actually the contrary. Tightly grabbing the cover hard enough to make her knuckles go white, the covers were thrown off and sent flying across the room. Jughead found himself without anything to protect him. He was at her mercy.

With horror, he watched her hands grab his arms forcefully, not sparing him the least. He felt her sharps nails dig in his skin, and he winced. She yanked him out of the bed, making him fall harshly on the hard floor.

"Ouch! Betts! Please, stop! I already said I'm sorry!" he pleaded.

"Don't care," she replied, pulling at his hair to make him leave the room.

Reflections {~BUGHEAD~} {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now