Chapter One

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"Oh Thanny Poo..." Hades said as he looked down at his own dark magic cloud, projecting a moving image of a young women with red hair and blue eyes. He was sitting on a colossal throne that was built just for him. "Just look at this..gorgeous flower of the harvest!" He rejoiced and took a long, exaggerated sigh. "Isn't she just lovely?.." "Oh yes yes master! she's very lovely." Thanotos responded with such cheerfulness. Floating in front of Hades, having the appearance similar to that of a clown. He has green skin, puffy red eyes, and a large blue-lipped mouth, with a single fang protruding from the right side. he has an angular red gem embedded into his stomach, with cracks branching out from it on the surrounding skin. He also a skull ornament tied into his blond hair. However he is small compared to his massive sized king. Who has purple skin with red tattoos running up both arms and legs. Some even across his face. His eyes are pitch black with red pupils. Red, green, and pink hair flows like fire on his head. His long green nails are more like claws, sharp enough to pierce through anyone. He wears a very gothic robe with a multicolored cape draping from the back. "She's the perfect match for you, 100%, positively sure of it! There's no way she'll  turn away a God such as yourself." "Dawww, your too kind." Hades flicked his wrist, sweeping away the cloud and the image he had before him. His fingers combing through his hair with his with the other hand and smirked to himself. "I guess i'm rather glad I chose to only revive you at the moment.." "It's a pleasure to be here with you! Ummmm...Do you have any other plans to complete your power yet? It's not full." Hades rolled his eyes at his obvious statement. "Yes...I know. That's why i'm collecting certain souls of the other Gods out there." Thanatos' eyes widened "Oooo, instead of humans, now your targeting other Gods!? How naughty!" He twirled around with excitement while Hades just shook his head. "Just secretly taking out the life of Gods was enough to bring some, if not, most of my powers back. The souls I collected from them are worth 100x more than the average human." Hades closed his eyes, remembering all too well how good the souls tasted to him, how it melted in his mouth. He began to drool a little, not being able to contain his saliva. "Mmmm, I must have more if it. Just one more soul from a God...and my powers will be more than complete." He slowly got up from his throne and began pacing back and forth, thinking out loud. "Those worthless humans can wait and enjoy there lives...for now." He chuckled to himself "Besides, I still have left overs I can feed off of in the city of souls! Certainly can't let those go to waste you know." He crossed his arms and sighed out of irritation "If I start taking out the lives of humans the Overworld again, Pitty Pat and Palutena will find out I'm back much too soon.." Anger suddenly boiled inside of Hades. Thinking of the past encounters with his foe. Flashbacks on how he was obliterated by Pit with The Great Sacred Treasure taking over his thoughts. He grits his teeth and slowly clenches his fists tightly "And when I do get my powers again from the other so called Gods..." He calmly said, slowly huffing from his nose "Pitty Pat, Palutena, and every goodie goodie out there who tried to stop me before, WILL BECOME NOTHING BUT A PUDDLE OF BLOOD BENEATH MY FEET!" Hades' booming voice sent chills down Thanatos's spine, he's seen him angry many times before, but theres something about him now that's...unsettling. He sees the desperation in his eyes, causing him to back away slowly from the angry God "Uh-yes my lord..I hope you accomplish that goal. Maybe-just maybe for now you s-should calm down, perhaps-" before Thanatos could finish, Hades turns around and suddenly reaches out towards him, grabbing and clenching his hand tightly around his small body. The God of death was struggling to breath. "Now now Thanny Poo..." he hissed through his teeth, eyes piercing through Thanatos's soul "Don't you know it's rather disrespectful to order your king orders? Even as simple as 'Calm down'?" "Oh! Oh I-I'm s-sorry. Please...forgive me. I-I was-s just going to suggest.." Hades made a sly smile at his struggle to speak, he raised his claw from his other hand and started toying with the skull ornament on top of Thanatos's head, "Do be careful finishing your sentence, your choice of words could cost you your life in my very hand.." "N-No!" He tried to shout "I was g-going to say, why d-don' have the goddess you are in love with...keep you company in the process of c-completing your powers. c-comfort you..p-praise you."  Thanatos slowly started to pass out until Hades's loosened his grip "Yes.." looking up, he licked the side of his mouth and smirked at the thought of being with the Goddess of Spring. "Oh how wonderful that would be..." Hades breathed out "The feeling her soft skin against mine, her plump rose lips mixing with yours truly...Oh Thanny Poo, you certainly know how to get yourself out of trouble." Thanatos was released but could barely fly himself up due to feeling light headed, his vision blurry. Hades bent down to his level so that Thanatos can concentrate and have his full attention on his master. "I have a little mission for you.." he spoke softly, mischief in his voice. Thanatos looked up at him, butterflies in his stomach "I want you to retrieve that Lightening Chariot from little ol' Viridi. Use it so that you may bring my future queen here with me. They should have it parked somewhere in her fortress, where it'll most likely be guarded..." Thanatos nodded "If her guards see you, just simply take them out, but make sure non of the commanders from The Forces of Nature notice you. Otherwise the word will be spread. Can you do that? Make your master happy again?" Thanatos quickly nodded his head without a word and began to go on with the mission. "Oh and Thanny Poo?" He stoped what he was doing and slowly turned around to Hades, nervous as to what he could possibly want. "If they find out you stole it from them, and they suspect that something is up in the Underworld, you'll deal with great consequences." Hades emphasizing the last word, Thanatos immediately took off.  The Lord of The UnderWorld took a deep breath and exhaled "Oh Goddess of Spring, soon the Underworld will have a new queen, and you my dear, will be the perfect goddess to do so. Mine and mine alone."

(Credit to the wonderful artist who drew the picture of Hades, tell me what you think and I'll be sure to continue this story ^-^))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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