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word count—3000

[ the prologue ]

this story begins in the vibrant city of seoul, said to be one of the busiest places on the planet, absolutely jam packed with loud car horns stuck in rush hour traffic and glitzy shop signs on every corner you turn. the streets are raving with a constant patter of heavy footsteps and the downpour of muffled conversations throughout the metropolitan. here lies a wide variety of inhabitants, ranging from old gruffly pensioners in their miniature flats, just getting by with the minimum wage they receive, to upper class business people living in top quality penthouses upstate. there's always something to do here, let it be clubbing on the largest boulevards or eating out on the town. no one ever gets bored in a place like this, no one, except for one particular boy named kim taehyung. a calm and collected extrovert, the perfect mix, if you will. he's someone that enjoys being a friendly social butterfly as well as -exploring his own imagination- but we'll soon find out more about him later on. now getting onto you, the protagonist, the damsel in distress, whatever you wish to call it.

to contrast with taehyung, you are quiet, some say almost a bit too quiet. it's a given that bookworms or nerds have this inevitable characteristic, but you're slightly offbeat from the stereotypes since you have the tendency to drink, a lot. unlike normal people, your reason isn't to 'numb the pain' or 'get rid of the stress.' you do it to simply conceptualize the ideas in your head and bring them to life, surprisingly it helps. being downgraded as an alcoholic or a nuisance to society on the daily has become a major chunk of your career. the hard times drive you to work even harder though. despite the weird habit, you still take an undying interest in ambiguous things such as literature. you also dress like a middle-aged person, barely differing your outfit choices with creams or light browns.

bighit pictures is ranked the most elite and technologically advanced studio in all of south korea. as one of the many few that are truly persistent in the company, you have monthly deadlines, and there are no setbacks. working as an illustrator for such a branched corporation, it's not surprising you have a 'drinking problem.' getting sober almost every day breaks you through to those brainstorms needed for your drawings. they're mostly targeted at children, consisting of adorable, unrealistic animals or random blotches of primary colours. the typical things people see in children's books. you're in charge of making the compositions as simple as possible, still including a little life lesson to kids around the globe. but that can sometimes be a difficult task to do, therefore, the booze calms your nerves down, especially when your workload is at its peak. the alcohol practically fabricates what you're trying to draw only on another level, you could say it somewhat allows you to think outside the box. moving on from this introduction, let's just get into the adventure shall we.

[ chapter 1 — the incident ]

the stupid alarm clock strikes at the worst moment possible. smack bang in the middle of a good dream, which is rare since you don't usually have that form of escapism. you were on a date with famous actor lee minho. not knowing why your mind decided to conduct that illusion but only science or psychology can explain and unfortunately you're associated with neither. '7:41,' is what the clock face reads, which is just fantastic, your personal morning rooster on the bedside table decides to not do its job, and not wake you up so it's just perfect now that you've exactly 19 minutes to get to work. boss is totally going to execute you with a guillotine or something if you're not checked in on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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