Chapter One - Welcome to the Book, Here's an Unfinished Snippet

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Hello, this is my random book. My second, to be exact. You'd know the first if you read the summary, but I know many of the people who add random books to their reading lists must never bother to check that.

I figured I would like to start this off with a bit of a rewrite from my original book titled Revak Feykro. The name comes from Bethesda's TESV: Skyrim's Dovahzul, or Dragon tongue, and translates to "Sacred Forest." That is one of the settings in my story.

     Early in the morning of the first day of the ninth month in the year 1100, as the dawn light filtered through the thick leaves, a young Cí'mehia -- a humanoid creature with cheetah ears, tail, and, sometimes, feline eyes -- met up with a ruby Dromdí -- a humanoid of draconic origin, with dragon wings, the occasional tail, and rarely dragon's eyes -- outside the High Arch, Arch-Dragon Dark Wings' strategy center. Both humanoids held duffles made of vine, woven to be strong and waterproof.

"I can't believe it, Myrkr," the ruby Dromdí said to his companion, his voice almost rumbling, "we were sent to Nú'lette not to study, but to spy."

"We are advanced in our skills, Sanguine," Myrkr reminded, her voice with a slight feline accent. "It was luck, perfect preparation meeting the perfect opportunity. But I know what you mean, I can't really believe it, either. Now we really have to get to know our peers. And say nothing about this around our Fao."

"Yeah." He glanced toward the High Arch. "We should go and see Dark Wings and Lavender, and head out, shouldn't we?"

"We surely won't hear the end of it if we're late," Myrkr answered. She made a bowing gesture. "After you."

"Whatever happened to 'ladies first'?"

Myrkr gave a smirk. "Whatever gave you the idea I was a lady? Get going, Romeo."

The duo, with Sanguine leading of course, entered the High Arch. It was a simple structure from the outside, just an arch that led into a large and ancient oak tree the inhabitants of the Revak Feykro Isle named the Immortal Oak. Inside, it wasn't very much more elaborate. All paintings that had decorated the walls had been replaced with maps and strategies, lists of operations. In the center of the room was a simple, purple-fired, wooden chandelier -- enchanted, of course, to never be set ablaze -- above a table that looked like a tree stump, the latter about twenty feet in diameter. On top of the table was an enchanted map of the Isles of Ysamaldri, the Isles circling -- like the human's solar system -- the center Isle, Ysamaldri's meadow.

A tom cat with a long tail, whose fur was shifting from purple to blue to green as he padded across the map, speaking to a dark purple -- almost black -- dragon with scorching yellow eyes. He was a very large dragon -- he was decently old at this point, having lived a century -- and took up a third of the room, which was at least a hundred feet in diameter, and it was three times as high, bookshelves covering the towering inside of the enchanted tree.

"On the new moon in three weeks, Ziixi Mountain Isle will be closest to us," Lavender was saying. He turned, having heard the two young Mythics enter the room, and smiled warmly at them, his green gaze kind. "Ah, hello you two," he purred. "Good morning, I'm happy to see you both. Are you excited for this year?"

"Of course!" Sanguine answered enthusiastically. "It's always fun, if stressful, to start a new year at Nú'lette."

He would say that, Myrkr thought. He's made so many acquaintances, all easy to forget of course, but he's socialized. Unlike me.

"And you, Myrkr?" Lavender asked. He, like Cargent, Sanguine's father was such a prominent father-figure in Myrkr's childhood. "Are you excited, too?"

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