What were the odds?

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ok so this is my first story i have ever written down im sorry for any mistakes i hope you like it :)


There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with. Love shouldn’t be one of them. Anything less than extraordinary is a waste of my time.”

Jill Robinson quotes

Blake POV.

Ughh I’m going to kill my alarm its always scaring  the shit out of me no matter if it was the stander sound or a song that I actually liked, it’s not fun waking up with a mini heart attack.

I was just lain there staring up the ceiling thinking that I couldn’t wait till the 2 months left of high school were up, it wasn’t that I didn’t like going I just hate my alarm hey no judging it’s a pretty darn good reason for me, I can’t believe I’m graduating in 2 months .

Finally getting out of bed my warm comfortable bed, on my way to the bathroom I trip and hit my shoulder against the wall I really need coordination in the morning I do my morning rutting, I get my comfy jeans and my off the shoulder shirt and my converse and try to hurry I still need to eat breakfast I’m late like always oh well a pop tart it is.

While on my way to school my dad calls and tells me we are going to have a dinner party at the house because of a deal he just closed at work and I needed to wear something formal great another formal and extremely boring ass party.

I get to school 10 min late shit today is Thursday meaning I have Mr. Hoffman for math I’m in so deep shit he is always mad at me and being late doesn’t help, I run to room 115 and knock I hear a ‘’come in’’ as I step in he glares at me and gives me my detention great another one for this week this make 3 already.

‘’sorry I’m late my car broke’’ yeah right, he looks at me more like glares and tells me to take my seat.

Blair my best friends since 2 grade looks at me and smirks she knows the real reason and shakes her head, her chocolate brown hair is curly and her grey eyes always have that mischievous glint her body is to kill she is curvy but slim and is consider one of the hottest girls at school, her face is innocent and angel like but don’t be fool she is a troublemaker I have known her for years and would hate to get on her bad side.

By the time the bell rings and Mr. Hoffman tells us the homework, everyone is already out the door and walking in the hallways.

“So did you kill your alarm again or doze off? Again haha” she asked while laughing

“Oh shut up and just so you know my alarm is not dead” I hit her in the arm playfully

 “yet” was her respond smirking

“Yeah yeah”

“Blake tell me how many alarms have you killed this month?”

“10” I murmured

“Hahaha see well anyways what are we doing today, oh and just heads up Damien was looking for you and so was your boy toy”

“Collin is not my boy toy plus you can’t say anything cause if Collin is my boy toy then Xander is yours” I tell her

She just flips me off as she walks to her next class, as I walk the rest of the way to physics I think that this day couldn’t get more slow, the bright side I have this class with Damien .

Damien waves at me as I walk in and gestures me to sit next to him, if it wasn’t for the fact the we have known each other for years I would have fallen for him, his dark hair and dark eyes were alone a magnet and that scar in the side of his face gave you the bad boy aura, that was just his handsome face with a body like his, he had every girl in school lusting after him and every guy wanting to be him.

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