Happy Birthday Wally!

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*skip to 0:08 for the song*

Robin supposed he shouldn't have been surprised that the cave decorations went up as quickly as they did. After all, they had a magic user, a girl with telekinesis and the ability to fly, two people with super strength and finally a ninja and an acrobat. Yep, he really should not have been surprised. Anyway, Wally was due to arrive at the cave any minute now, and Dick- not Robin, never Robin when his past was involved- was still silently debating whether to do something traditional as his customs demanded, or to not do them and keep his secret identity completely secret and forsake his hereditary traditions... but then, who could deduce his identity just from his race?

He was interrupted from his musings by the zeta beams announcing Wally's presence and quickly plastered a smile on his face to disguise his indecision. After the obligatory rounds of banter, the whole team made their way to where the cake was sitting on the table and sat around it talking and laughing while Robin lit the candles, making sure that M'gann and Kaldur were sitting as far away as possible, so as not to be hurt by the fire. Robin, Zatanna and Artemis lead the Happy Birthday song, considering that Conner and Megan and Kaldur didn't know it. As they sung the last line, Dick realised that it was now or never, he either sang Lasho bijandimasko djes! or didn't and would leave himself feeling guilty for months...

So, he gathered the courage to, not only sing in front of his friends and expose part of his identity to them, but to face Batman for it afterwards. Then he sung. Happy chatter around the table ceased as the whole room focused in on Robin, who, in a sweet, lilting voice sung in a foreign language and seemed to be directing it at Wally.... (at this point you should be playing the video)

After he was finished, Robin smirked and said, "Now, you can blow out your candles." The stunned silence remained until Wally came out of his shock, blew out the candles and immediately wrapped his best friend in a hug. Alone among the members of the team, Wally had known Robin's secret identity for years, and knew what that song signified: that Dick thought of Wally as immediate family, as a brother, and he was willing to put his identity on the line to prove that. 

Their hugging was broken off but Artemis almost yelling, "What was that?"

Both boys looked at her and said in unison, "His/my native language's birthday song." 

Robin decided that an explanation was in order, "Look, contrary to popular belief, I was not born in this country, english is not my first language, and the song I just sung for Wally is usually reserved for family, but he is my family so I sung it anyway. Any questions?" He was expecting anything from demanding he tell them where he was from to offering to learn about his culture, but what he got was a smack on the shoulder and Zatanna breathlessly exclaiming, "Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Robin just face palmed and went to get Wally his present. 

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